Sunday 27 July 2014



A long time ago Private Pile joined the United States Marine Core to be a man and above all else, a soldier.
He worshipped heavy weapons and he knew every detail of the old battles.
A slight bump on the head from a car crash when he was young slightly upset the balance.
He enlisted and passed all of the training to become one of Gods’ own Marines.
One day while cleaning his gun he started to talk to it and the rifle said that he had to drill people with 7.62 mm bullet holes.
This he did while in a psychotic schizoid mental state. He ran out of bullets and with a drill sergeant and six enlisted men dead he had achieved his mission.
The MP’s came and locked him up in a six-by-six foot cell while he waited for his firing squad.
In the morning they led him out to the yard and tied him to the bloody post. As the clock struck twelve the rifles shot him dead through his dirty evil heart.
He is now amongst his dead Marine comrades. Immortality is his.

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