Thursday 29 November 2012

Juniper’s Daughter: The Final War A novel by Nick Armbrister

Juniper’s Daughter: The Final War                              

A novel by Nick Armbrister


   A time and town so very different from now, several key events had changed European history forever. First the civil war of 2005 – 08 is now over, which led to the break up of United Kingdom. A quarter of a million died achieving what politics never could.
   The weeklong conflict with France was over. From what started as a fishing dispute led to a localised nuclear war in which thirty million British and fifty million French perished. The madness that irradiated half of Europe stopped.
  A third key event saved the remaining innocents from the abyss. The arrival of a girl with special powers from nowhere, a so-called Goddess of the Earth, she was called Juniper’s Daughter…

Party At The End Of The World

   Only a fool thought nothing would happen after the armoured car was hijacked and fuel dump destroyed. English army high command planned and prepared to attack, to root out the freedom fighters, illegal weapons and black market trade in guns and booze. With the large town of Oldham being in the hands of the freedom fighters, just one example of lawlessness and the rule of the gun, any attack here would be a blue print to use elsewhere in England. A military state was in the making but with not enough men to physically do this and the questionable loyalty of men/women press ganged into the army being a big no-no, only one solution was left. To simply kill all of the known freedom fighters, war vets, people with weapons/weapons training and anyone else that took their fancy. A new genocide in the planning…

   Three of the freedom fighters relaxed after their near death experience on the way to Leeds. Lee’s wounds slowly healed under Sarah’s supervision at the aid station. Leah raised an eyebrow at his admission there but under their verbal agreement, nothing was said and he was given the best care.
   Sarah did confide in Leah on the old woman but not where or how they had met her, the story of Juniper’s Daughter needed to be told and Leah was the perfect confidante. She asked questions, Sarah gave her the answers she could and together both tried to piece together what they knew and what could or could not happen. This was an exercise in futility so they left it at this: sometime in the future something would happen with the appearance of someone not from around here, a person to help and heal and not kill or wage war. A way to a new future might be presented. If this helped end the killing and suffering, that had to be positive event, a step forwards to embrace the future, a journey into unknown. Vague as this was, it gave a positive feeling in these bleak times.
   Life went on day by day. Lee planned more arms shipments including the sale/trade of the armoured car to the Rochdale war vets and with its recent combat use, it was a prime jewel to trade with for whatever Lee wanted.
   John arranged repairs on the damaged vehicle with Red and Gun Barrel using stolen, old and home made equipment to repair the rocket grenade damage. New hydraulic lines needed to be made, damaged ones patched or replaced, the hole made by the shape charged warhead had to be welded with good strength metal, soundly as possible. Kevlar armour wasn’t available, metal and fibre glass was installed where the internal damage was. The whole vehicle would be repainted including repaired areas, hiding any military insignia/markings and a darker camouflage to improve visual stealth. If it couldn’t be seen, it couldn’t be targeted. Yet no amount of paint would ever hide the fact that it was a stolen English army armoured car.
   Repairs took two weeks; Lee improved drastically in this time. He liaised with John on the repairs and on the trade of the vehicle with the vets in Rochdale. It was agreed that they would provide support if the English army attacked and vice versa, armed people in Oldham would do the same if Rochdale was attacked. Everyone lived with this fact. Weapons were readied and plans made in case the army came and tried to take back their vehicle and punish the town or people for the death of two soldiers or any other reason. Guns, ammo, grenades and rocket-propelled stuff were stockpiled just in case; no tip off alerted them what the army planned, just sound common sense. For every action, there’s a reaction. The English army attacking would be the natural reaction.


Wednesday 28 November 2012

new book info...

got promo copy of my unfinished poem book RANTINGS OF A DAMAGED MIND jointly wrote with Mel. needs more poems and cover art doing by tattooist. good to hold this copy, rather than see on a computer. out in 2013...

Tuesday 27 November 2012

That Tat tattoo poem

That Tat

Well there are a few more tattoos planned,
I’m getting some coverage.
Bit by bit.
On my legs and more to go.

Since May I covered my arm gaps,
full sleeves! Roundabout way of doing it.
No full story here, top to bottom.
All sorts of crazy stuff:

stars, dots, Pixie tarot card art.

My legs are full of planes.
Biplanes winging their way south,
WW2 fighters looking for each other,
bomb laden Lancaster off to Germany.
My collage of Luna moon lady,
her nuclear rockets and a fiery star gal.

What more will grace my skin?
Full coverage beckons, courtesy of the bakery.
Each week a new bit of ink.
Equal to a two week Mediterranean holiday and a small car.

My reason to live, ink on my skin.
Ongoing art project till I’m done.
Care to design me an arty tattoo?

Sunday 25 November 2012


The Lie That Is Love

Who’s ever fallen for the lie that is called LOVE? Been fucked over by gal who appears to like them, then pushes them away like a piece of trash? Unwanted, used and feeling crap. Actions that are the total opposite of love and the lie that it is. No worries, build walls around yourself, let no-one in and only you have the key. If they want to access your heart, say fuck off, it’s out of service.
Never mind the lie that is the family. I was fucked over by a vicious ex who left me and never even told me to my face. The day before she left me, we watched a film and all was fine. Her sister asked her bother, “Are they ok?” It was obvious her fucking siblings were in on the act. There’s much more to this but I’ll say evil devil words. Stay single and use a condom. It’s all a lie to entrap you.
Hollywood makes shit stupid films like Titanic with two dimensional characters, capitalizing on the fakeness of romance and stupid self sacrifice. I’d be fuck you bitch; it’s my place in the lifeboat. Stick with war films and sci-fi, better stories and some good killing. Who needs limp dick films? Watch porn if you want a cheap thrill or pay for no strings sex with a hooker.
My message here is avoid the perilous dating game, where you spend hard earned cash on some bitch who wants a free night out. She’ll pretend to like you and fleece you for everything you’ve got. Don’t get married, after a year of fucking you its kaput. Half of what is yours, it now hers. What a scheming, conniving cow you married. She took you to the cleaners. Stay single.

Nicely Nice

Black and orange butterfly flies zig zag pattern over a river dodging speedy dragonflies, low over the water at mad angles. Sense of speed beyond all else. Movement pure and simple. Past dragonfly territory, over the rocky river bank. Looking, searching for what? Something. What? Feel a little tired.
Land on a rock to rest, blur of flapping wings before a halt. Nice to chill. What the fuck? Bloody rock moves! Goddamn Pagan Goddess not a rush! Stone is alive; butterfly Fliss arrows upwards to safety. Wolf is not amused. Was resting under midday sun and his nose was tickled when a cheeky butterfly dared to land on his snout. Bloody cheek! Snap went wolf teeth. A miss!
Butterfly won't take any grief, arcs round in a high speed turn to buzz the wolf. I'll show you! Try to eat me, I'll wake you up and disturb your bloody peace for snapping your sharp teeth at me. I'm the Goddess! Round again buzzing the wolf, who's the boss? Butterfly is! 6 more times the game continues, buzz the wolf, snap go his teeth. He settles down on his haunches, enough!
Butterfly lands on his nose, soft as gossamer spider web feather snowflake, peace. Wolf speaks humbly, 'What's your name brave fast butterfly flier?' Silence for a minute. 'I'm Fliss...' They both changed and made love. The circle was complete. Butterfly was home... xxx


One million hearts speak as one; I listen to the solitary one who cries out in eloquent despair. That single wounded heart will claim me by her right and ensnare me and save me from me and I’ll never break it. She’ll bring me happiness after years of sorrow. Her name is?
Rockets are for the benefit of the human race taking us to the stars or for the worst, blowing us to bits. My poem book is heavy upon my back; I’ve been through so much shit in life. Who’s innocent in this game of madness? You, me, him, her? No one is. Some people collect issues like others do stamps.
Life was easier when I was young, no clue on girls so I kept away. Who do I gain knowledge as I age? Shame I can’t go back and use some of it in my younger days. We mustn’t play games with peoples’ lives and they mustn’t reciprocate. I want to move a long way from this town, like before. It’s my orbit.


Something is very badly wrong in my life in romance, if you ask how my private life is what do I tell you? That it’s private and none of your business or that I have no love life and haven’t for three years, except random sex with low quality gals.
No one to romance me, to be there for me when I need them or even listen to my new poems and support me when I need it. Just this poem capturing my ongoing endless life as a bachelor. This ain’t fun unless you like getting drunk with your mates and being eternally single.
Maybe fate will show me the way to fix my life and regain my happiness, not doing the same errors. Or I too choosy and hoping to meet someone who doesn’t exist? Chasing Willow the Wisp as Olive Oil walks right on by?

Monday 19 November 2012

FADE INTO FOCUS, FOCUS INTO FADE by nick armbrister out on amazon...

FADE INTO FOCUS, FOCUS INTO FADE by nick armbrister out on amazon...


When we were both fifteen years old, just kids, we were messing around with one thing or another. We made a small bomb. It was more of a firework, really, all sparks and heat.
We did this all for fun, then we blew up a phone box with a pipe bomb, two years later.
That was a laugh, two kids being idiots. Soon we went our separate ways, ten long years ago.
Now, watching the news after coming in from work, I can’t believe it, I saw your face.
A photo of my old friend and a plane down, over 200 dead.
Oh fuckin’ god, this cant be true. Did you do it? Really, did you bring down the plane?


A twilight sun shines down colouring the sky with every shade of colour from red to black, blowing your mind away.
We drive our car over the winding moor road, stereo on full blast, eating up the miles like it was fading to zero.
Our car is old but we are young, in our prime, enjoying life, making every moment go on forever.
We come to the town, all quiet in the coming darkness.
I think of how many people have walked over the town square, how many have kissed, fought, dreamed…
Then we are away, leaving the town behind…


This is the endless summer of our youth
a time of music and of fun.
A time of blue skies and cold beer
in pubs in the country.

The sky is always free of clouds
and we fall in love, so heart achingly, to last forever.
Special times, trips to the coast.
It is a time for you and me.

Our friends are always there for us
when we see music festivals, song for our lives.
I met you in a bar, we walked barefoot
through the sand, in our own world.

We may grow older but we’ll
never forget the times we had,
in that endless summer so long ago
in our youth, passionate young lives.


I have seen many things through my eyes.
I see magic, mystical places, angels and fighter planes.
I see the magic of a summers day high in the mountains.
I see surreal dreamers flying through the rarefied air.

I see Gothic maidens dressed in long black dresses

dancing under the moon.
I see a Spitfire turning on a knife-edge,
sun reflecting off its wing.
I see Julianne singing crystal songs that shatter
the twilight dawn.
I see a quartz crystal cast a halo of colours.
I see the beauty of the written word through poetry.
I see the heartbeat that is the life of the moon and of
planet earth and I see the beauty of love and the
violence of war.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Squash Kill Bulldozer

Squash Kill Bulldozer

Madman drives his beloved pink fifteen ton bulldozer, named Sheila, at a civilian bus packed full of screaming innocent civilians. Bang! No mercy here as our dear madman reverses and guns the throttle to do it again. More metal shouts under protest and glass shatters. Dozer driver judged it just right, metal dozer blade impacts the side of the yellow bus at head level. Crunch!                                                                                                                                                 

Heads go a poppin' and roll down the road, severed bloodily. The diesel tank is holed and illegal red diesel gushes prettily free. For a third time dozer man does his bit, maiming and killing. A spark ignites the fuel and those left alive, trapped on the bus, burn to death. Begging for their God won't save them.                                                                                                                                 

Our mad dozer driver believes in God too but his God allows him to squash civilians to death in yellow buses. The second occasion he's done it.                                              

Is he mad? Or loving it, psychopath style? Dozer killer man and his heavy metal machine. Coming to a city near you. Soon.

Wednesday 14 November 2012



this is my book on amazon and other sites by Nick Armbrister

Nuclear Bombs Not Very Nice (The Power Of The Witch)

   Blackness covered the land as a freezing night descended like the gloved hand of a strangler choking her victim. Baron landscapes arced out in every direction for what seemed like forever, something shimmered under the snow-laden clouds while snow slowly fell carrying radioactive isotopes. Invisible death fell again on this wasteland in an endless cycle of evil, darkness receding one degree to grey as the poison snow took hold in a Devil’s grip. Radiation clouds full of charged particles became visible under freak metrological conditions, where the edge of the snowstorm indicated the beginning of the cold front radiation in the air glowed, shimmered. A haunting pulsating blue light of ether brought to life by nuclear explosions, of what was carried out before, the cargo of hundreds of nuclear weapons.
   Material destruction was physical, destroying hundreds of towns and cities. Glowing charged particles were mystical in appearance, spiritual in their meaning – to view them from a distance was to be mesmerised by their beauty. You had a chance to flee and save your wretched life, to be amongst them was to witness pure lethal beauty before you died a hideous death from radiation poisoning. Slowly the lights from the charged particles faded out as the cold front advanced driven by a cold northerly wind, grey contaminated snow covering everything in a hideous of death. Underneath the snow lay the remains of what was once a town, Oldham had been its name, now forgotten and lost like so many others destroyed in one war or another that had engulfed the United Kingdom. This was after Wales and Scotland had gained their much cherished and fought after independence from England in a bitter civil war, for a few short years they were free until a nuclear war with France destroyed almost everything.
   One hundred and thirty five thousand buildings of various sizes from bedsits on old council estates to heavy concrete structures like the old art gallery were obliterated near the centre of the nuclear explosion that wiped out Oldham. Further out in circular rings the damage went from severe to minor, this last bit was a distance of eight miles encompassing the whole town. When the twenty-kiloton suitcase bomb exploded almost in the centre of town nothing remained, over two thousand people were killed and many more injured. With no medical help most of them perished unless they were walking wounded, for those trapped under buildings or with broken limbs it was a slow agonising death from injuries and radiation. This weapon was a small device in a suitcase, man portable in a metal box, similar in size to the crude weapons that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Tactical weapons designed to stop armies of tanks and men or attack targets like an airbase or other important smallish target; yes they worked on towns too. For bigger towns and cities a bigger device was desired in the tens or hundreds of kilotons range, even a one megaton device would be perfect but like a sledgehammer cracking a nut. Big bombs were hydrogen bombs using a small nuclear device to explode them after bring the main device up to critical mass, a nuclear trigger. Cities like Leeds and London had been hit by similar weapons; the single one-megaton missile aimed at Leeds had wiped everything out and killed or wounded over one million people. The entire population was annihilated.
   In France not a single town or city remained standing, in revenge for firing several hundred nuclear missiles at England, Wales and Scotland. The tri manned Trident nuclear missile carrying submarines launched almost every weapon at the French. Many French towns and cities were hit by up to three or more weapons, Paris were hit by seven 475 kiloton nuclear warheads. Not even London was hit so badly, it received just a single bomb like Leeds. Due to the size the city the outskirts survived but huge areas were radioactive with fallout. The only people alive in France were country people, not living in the built up areas and radiation covered most of the rural areas so many people left alive were slowly dying from the contamination. It wasn’t a functioning country, it was a destroyed country twice as badly hit as the landmass of Great Britain, a nuclear nightmare that killed and had polluted the oceans and land of many other countries bordering GB and France.
   France had used submarine launched medium range missiles from her four nuclear missiles submarines, only two firing due to the others being sunk by the Royal Navy. French Air Force Mirage 2000N and Rafale nuclear strike fighters carrying Aerospatiale nuclear tipped cruise missiles had hit some cities; Leeds and London were perfect examples of a big bomb on a medium/large size city. The submarine launched missiles each carried six 150-kiloton nuclear warheads with a total of sixteen missiles fired from two French nuclear missile subs giving a total of 192 separate warheads. Each the same size of 150-kilotons. Combined with the big one megaton bombs on the Aerospatiale cruise missiles from the fighters, this was a huge amount of nuclear fire power delivered against cities, towns, harbours, oil refineries, military barracks, bases, ports/harbours, air bases, aircraft factories and dozens more targets in England, Scotland and Wales. The newly independent countries weren’t spared due to alleged sympathies with England. Not a single French sub launched nuclear missile was intercepted and shot down; indeed no defences were in place to shoot down any incoming missile. Out of 32 missiles launched from the two submarines that survived to launch, two failed, one whose solid fuel rocket engine failed to ignite before it fell back into the ocean and the other didn’t achieve the right trajectory, heading off the Atlantic where it splashed down with its warheads still inside the missile. In total 180 French submarines launched warheads hit England, Scotland and Wales; not a single warhead failed due to the superb reliability of the design. Both missiles submarines were hunted down and sunk by the remaining ships of the Royal Navy after firing their weapons. In turn some of the RN ships were sunk by aircraft and missiles from the two French aircraft carriers; these being engaged by the two carriers of the Royal Navy in a bitter no holds air to sea battle. All four aircraft carriers were sunk along with three quarters of the supporting destroyers and submarines; nothing survived this mini Armageddon in the North Sea, Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean by the powerful navies of England and France. Of the French air launched cruise missiles several were shot down by RAF Typhoon fighters after launch, not an easy job considering the missiles was a small fast stealthy target that flew at low altitude. Many French Mirage and Rafale nuclear strike fighters were shot down before launch, picked up by RAF AWACS radar planes as they took off from their bases and headed low to try and hide under the radar. Fifteen one-megaton Aerospatiale cruise missiles hit towns, cities and other targets killing millions of people, one was targeted at Oldham and the aeroplane factory there but the strike fighter carrying the missile was shot down before it could launch, saving the town. No French airbases or aircraft carriers remained for any surviving Mirage 2000N or Rafale to return to, the crews flew until they ran out of fuel and crashed, ejected or landed in other countries to have their fighter planes impounded and pilots interned.

Monday 12 November 2012

other poems...


Hand in hand we walk across Mother Nature’s land for we are all Pagan brothers and sisters, lovers and friends. We bare each other no malice and go forward with peace in our hearts and unconditional love in our hearts.
My mate gave me a lift to town after doing our course; I mentioned you and how I like you. He dropped me off in town and I walked down the road, what a nice lady I saw in a green dress who took my breath away. As we got closer I saw it was you! I was so taken aback, I’d just told my friend of you! For as long as I live I’ll remember you in that green dress with your pretty green eyeliner, a real lady. You told me of your art, I ask to see some and give you my number not expecting you to call. But you don’t play by the rules of life, you call me lifting my spirits – she called me! We go for a drink I see you, no dress but nice dark jeans and a top. A few hairs loose the rest tied back, I do like you. We talk like 15 years wasn’t there; I wanted to date you when you was 21, not 36. Now you’re a real woman and I say I love you, I want you by my side. Heavy weight of the years falls away in seconds. We hold hands and kiss, so nice. I say I’ll always remember you in green, a top and skirt you say. I want to see the fairy picture you drew it could be a nice tattoo design if you let me use it, I’ll give you one of my books. I know you’re ill with your problems but to me you’re harmless, you’re a real lady who caught my heart.
What is it like to be the next big thing? To have the world at your feet and for it all to be yours? You ask will this fame and fortune and adoration last or will you fall like the devil from heaven? I write my poetry for the joy it brings to me but yes, id love a deal worth a million. Not to be greedy but to own a car and go on holiday. Will it ever happen? This is a question I can’t answer so I’ll live my life day-by-day thinking of the future and of success. Everybody deserves success even for a minute - I wouldn’t say no to it. If it flies into my arms then watch out-here comes nick!
Started before I went to the pub two Asian boys gestured and talked loudly, at me? Into the pub I went as they zipped round the corner. I wanted a pint of Chestnut ale, it’s not there and the pump’s not covered. Had a pint of Smith’s, nice. Old boy gives it to me, where you from, what’s your name? Hey maybe I won’t tell CID that. I’ll show you my WOW tat though! WOW on my arse. Then going to town a chav boy walks down the alleyway with his eyes shut! Pilled out of his mind? I go right, he go left bump! I could have mugged him, soz mate he said. To the next pub have a beer; guy asks me what the fuck is that? Karaoke crap I say. To the other boozer, see a woman who was mine; my dad asked what happened to her? To fast I reply. She looks nice, real woman. Yes I miss her. Onto old man’s pub my night not over yet to read books on WW3, old skool survivalist do me well! Saw tattooed witch and her mum, Demdike would be proud. We compared tats put your top on sez the landlord – hey my pic on the wall get real showing me topless! My drunken night on the periphery of town.

Guy + gal fall in love after mad whirlwind romance oh how their hearts beat in love together as one. Have fun, best friends + lovers + soulmates. Want to be together forever but do u know how long that is? Course it goes wrong. He fucked her sister she shagged his brother. Guess it wasn’t true unconditional love. They had 2 kids, a marriage, a house, car and a dog. She left him, kicked him out. He lost it all, she gained an empire and she took him to the CSA, got a golden fleece. He turned gay.


Beyond the veil lies my happiness thru the smoke + mirrors that will trick me, try to take me to my end. In the sky she hurt me, almost destroyed me but by chance I lived. Never was I scared but once I thought it was my end. When I became disorientated + lost after getting drunk at the pub. On the long dark road to nowhere I thought a big nasty wagon would squash me dead. But I got home. If I pass safely thru the veil, over + beyond the stars, I may meet her. The lady to save me from me, last night was my 1st night sober since she left me. I have to go beyond the veil, the sky and the stars, into the void to meet her. I am beyond tears after what she did to me. I forgive her...

Multi stranded layers of ice crystals compressed together pressing down with the force of a planet. Slowly moving gouging grinding horrendously hideous damage to three islands at the top of the world on old map not confirmed till dawn of satellite age. Ice slowly melting, global warming turning up the heat changing the very environment more than any ice. Soon the oil will be stolen as man rapes arctic waste for his own selfish greed.

Sunday 11 November 2012

various strong hitting older poems...


Come on people, jump aboard as we head for Hell.
You are the sinners and you will pay the ultimate price,
your souls will be spirited away by the Devil to feed his
unsatisfiable desire for pain.
He will torture you all forever until Hell freezes over
And we all know that will never happen.


I’m trapped in a steel box two metres square, the metallic walls crushing me down,
making me feel so small and lost.
I don’t know how I got here, am I alive or am I dead? There is no one here to help me, I feel so alone in this small metal coffin.
There is no day or night for me, just total blackness, a world of nothingness right before my eyes.
If I dream I think of huge open spaces and massively blue skies, but my dreams die as I awake in my small metal box.


The weekend is here so let’s have a party; unfortunately for some it will be their last as society takes its toll as people tragically die. Who will it be? Your child or your best friend?
I know the pain will be immense and your world will end just as theirs did at the point of a knife blade.
This is life today in our torn-apart society full of losers and maniacs, people on the sick and on the dole, drug dealers and car thieves, all with no future but an early death and unmarked grave, all they deserve.


You’re a passenger of life livin’ out your remainin’ days on borrowed time.
You stick two fingers up to the world, life for you is not an oasis but it’s a charred blackened shell.
You steal from anyone to feed your dirty habit, as you slowly deteriorate in your own little hell.
When they find you dead in your bath, a load of needles by your side, will they ask was it worth it all those fixes for your life?


I ask God to help me but he isn’t listening, I’ve been buried alive six feet under the ground.
My death will be agonising as I start to suffocate. How did I get here in this terrible place?
Slowly I remember now what I unbelievably did. I faked my own death to escape from prison but they didn’t release me like they said, so here I remain running out of air going slowly insane dying before my time. One to suffer not just my sentence,
my murder victim is having the last laugh, on me…


The sudden quietness is broken by shouts and screams as blood is spilled on the dark narrow street.
Kicks and punches sound as the racist thugs do their dirty business. The lone **** cries for his mummy and for mercy but the beating won’t end till he is dead.
They rally round each other taking turns to kick in their deadly racist little game.
Who will it be tomorrow? If you ain’t *****, it could be you.


If you walk through the inner city you will see many sad sights: there are dilapidated buildings and crumbling buildings in the same state as their residents lives.
Drug addicts shoot up in dark corners and muggers wait for the unwary in this concrete nightmare.
One day all this will be gone but for now it’s such an eyesore that no one wants to see or to endure the timeless broken lives.


You build your home in a dangerous place: don’t you think you’re at risk against nature’s might? A danger of landslides and bush fires all waiting to happen to you and your little home. You say the view is great and there’s so much land.
Just stop and think, remember back to last year and the tragedy when ten died fighting to save what was theirs and failed.
Now you’re okay and the sun shines down making you happy, no cares in your world.
Who knows how long till the flames will sear your bones and char your house in the next disaster in your area?


I saw you on the bus staring into space. I wonder what are you thinking?
You wear a black velvet dress and a heavy metal t-shirt of the new big band;
are you an alternative girl, are you a punk, a goth, a metal head or a hippy?
I bet you’re good between the sheets and as wild as your looks!
Tell me, what are you called? Is it Ruth, Jayne or Emma?
Any name will do as long as I get you in my bed.

Monday 5 November 2012


Louisa was a young secretary with a firm called the Improving Place, her job was helping people back to work after many years of being unemployed or on the dole. In her mid twenties she was a nice sexy young lady, a few pounds over weight but it added to her curves and she was tall enough to carry it. She looked great in figure hugging dresses or a low cut blouse and short mini skirt, showing off her legs and cleavage. Hers was an excellent sexy body and she used it whenever she could. With brown shoulder length hair she always wore straight without mousse or hair lacquer, kind caring grey eyes that radiated warmth and happiness, Louisa was an ideal lady for her job. Often she did risk assessments on site when her unemployed work clients had to go on work placement, twice week on average she drove her German estate car to firms and factories to look at the risks. In her smart revealing clothes everybody noticed her and she set a good first impression. She sat at her small desk with a computer typing away doing her files and daily reports. Crossing her legs, her knee length skirt rose well up her thighs showing her smooth legs off to her co-workers and clients.
Also working in the office was a large lady called Miranda, she was thirty, had large breasts and brown hair that was tied back. Her green eyes flashed with mischief and a love of life; being a rock chick, Miranda was used to letting it all hang out when she partied long into the night. On a dozen different night outs she had danced and drank with Louisa, sharing the same man in bed in a kinky raunchy threesome on several occasions. Taking turns to fuck him and suck his cock, then doing lesbian sex to give the guy a show he’d never forget. With weekend coming up, a night out was due and more fun lined up for the two girls. Miranda caught her friend’s eye and winked; her mate nodded and blushed slightly. No doubt she was thinking similar thoughts on going out and having fun. Miranda wore large size black trousers and a tight red blouse that her tits completely filled. She was also a blood donor, into vampire type activities. A niche interest, as she called it. In some ways, the girls were a couple. Call it their version of romance.
At coffee break time Louisa went into the small canteen to make coffee for her and Miranda. She quickly clicked the kettle on and prepared the drinks. Just then Miranda walked in and smiled, announcing, “Hi Louisa thanks for doing me coffee. Are you thirsty for some red stuff? Do my coffee nice and strong, just like me!”
“Yes, just like you. Hey, come here and give me a kiss. I’ll have some blood in a bit,” joked Louisa. She remembered her odd kiss with her colleague, now they were alone it was an ideal opportunity for some fun. Then there was all the other stuff.
“Oh babe, I thought you’d never ask me. I’ve missed kissing you, it was a long time since we did it before,” replied the big girl laughing, her enormous boobs wobbling up and down. One of her recent scars still hurt. It was low on her left breast and still visible.
Closing the door, Louisa stepped up to Miranda and kissed her on her lips, she tasted good. Embracing each other, both ladies kissed with closed eyes and moving heads, exchanging spit and probing tongues. A definite buzz for the pair of them. Moving her hand down to Louisa’s leg, Miranda brought her hand up her opposite number’s freshly shaved bare leg to her thigh. Gently rubbing and stroking brought low moans from the girl. In return, Louisa bit Miranda’s tongue and both ladies tasted blood while they kissed.
Louisa felt one of Miranda’s big breasts under her thin blouse, her tit was almost escaping! Giving it a helping hand she undid two of the buttons and inserted a finger to probe and feel the large sexy boob. She noticed the two week old scab from her previous bite, not quite healed. Louisa leaned against her friend, enjoying the hand that explored up her own thigh to her special area of enjoyment – her pussy. Soon Miranda would finger Louisa! Now Louisa felt the curve of the boob held in place by a flimsy bra two sizes too small. Quickly she flipped the left tit out of its bra and undid a third button exposing Miranda’s cleavage and a breast. Still kissing, she massaged the boob working her way round the curve to the nipple which was firm and erect. I really love kissing Miranda and she has such nice tits, thought Louisa. She nipped the dark red scab and tasted blood.
Miranda’s hand was now at the top of Louisa’s thigh and her mini skirt had rose all the way up to her upper thigh, everything was visible. Moving her hand round the lovely smooth flesh slowly needing it with her fingers, she came to her pal’s pussy which was wet and dripping with pussy juice. Louisa was very turned on and randy, she obviously wanted it bad! There was some stubble where her pubes had been, her cunt needed shaving again. Miranda put a single finger up Louisa’s pussy slowly pushing it all the way up and wiggling it about, bringing a shudder from her colleague’s body. Doing it again brought more squirms and groans of enjoyment.
Breaking their embrace and bowing her head, Louisa sucked Miranda’s exposed tit licking the nipple and nibbling the end of it. She kissed the bloody area. Her own body felt like it was on fire, her pussy being fingered by a single finger bringing such joy and emotions, making her legs feel weak and tremble. A bigger shudder surged through her body, involuntarily she bit Miranda’s nipple causing her friend to swear, “Oh you fucking bitch, you bit me on my nip! That hurt, do it again. Draw blood this time while I finger your cunt. Don’t bite if off though!”
“Okay Miranda, you asked for it,” Louisa goaded her large mate, sinking her teeth into the flesh of Miranda’s boob around the nipple. One time, a second and a third bite breaking the skin and drawing blood. Blood slowly seeped from teeth marks and ran down the tit, to drip onto Louisa’s hand. Smiling savagely with blood on her teeth, Louisa looked like a gothic deviant. She drank a quantity of it.
Miranda saw this and kissed her friend again tasting more of her own blood, Louisa had a few drops of blood on her tongue. She let her lover kiss and lick, drinking her own red blood. More blood seeped from her the bitten tit, the slim girl licked it and tasted it, again kissing the big titted gal who smiled and drank bits of her own blood. Coffee was now forgotten!
Fingering Louisa very hard and putting two more fingers up her tight cunt, brought screams from her. Miranda smiled and licked blood from her bottom lip, lifting her mate’s head up she kissed her and felt amazing! After ten minutes of this Miranda lifted Louisa up onto the kitchen worktop in a swift action, like her friend was weightless. Lifting her mini skirt out of the way and taking down her white panties, to show a nice shaved cunt she got down to it – licking her mate out!
She’s going to make me cum by licking me out; I was almost there when she was fingering me, gasped Louisa. Blood slowly dried on her chin from the bites on Miranda’s breast. Opening her legs fully so her lover could gain full access and do her job, she closed her eyes and groaned loudly starting her orgasm. She felt delicate licks on her pussy edge, two fingers entering up her cunt messing with her most private bits. Her body jerked and juddered when her orgasm came, she screamed and shook her head. On and on the orgasm went, not stopping but increasing and getting more intense, she shouted, “Miranda, Miranda don’t stop! I’m coming, oh babe I’m coming!”
“You taste so good, my lover. Fucking hell Louisa, I love your cunt!” Miranda slurped and managed to say, still licking and fingering Louisa’s fanny. She looked a sight with one breast hanging out, with dried blood and teeth marks visible, the other tit was barely kept inside by the other bra cup. Down between her best friend’s legs, with her head moving from side to side and a hand thrusting fingers up like there was only this moment, she knew it was a time of cool enjoyment. Miranda felt hot pussy juice flow and shoot over her face when Louisa came; finally it was over, she was done. Now Miranda wanted to be satisfied, how would Louisa make her cum? She would be able to do that in their dinner break, it was time to get cleaned up and go back to work.
Three hours later at dinnertime Louisa and Miranda had a quick sandwich and then went into the women’s toilets to have some more fun. It was Louisa’s turn to make Miranda have an orgasm, how would she do that? A toilet brush was beside the toilet that was a perfect implement to use! Louisa put the seat down and Miranda sat down on the toilet, Louisa picked up the brush by the handle and she commanded, “Take down your trousers.”
“Okay my dear,” replied the big chick. She did as told and took her trousers and panties down.
“I’ll put the brush handle up your cunt,” announced Louisa, grinning like demon.
“That sound fucking wicked, go to it sister,” guffawed her larger than life pal. Her tits wobbled when she laughed and her legs were open.
Louisa stood at the side in the cramped cubicle, glancing to check the door was locked she got ready for fun. Placing one hand on Miranda’s shoulder, she bent over and put the white plastic toilet brush handle up Miranda’s twat. The handle was narrow like a person’s thumb and long like someone’s lower arm. Slowly opening her hairy cunt up for bog brush admittance, Louisa sniggered when she saw the amount of pubic hair that Miranda possessed, not trimmed or groomed in anyway. A riot of matted tangled hair. Onwards the brush handle penetrated past the outer defences of her cunt, Louisa wiggled the handle and forced it up her pal’s hole with a small effort. One inch in length went up, then two and finally three. Louisa moved the handle side to side and in and out in a slow controlled movement, Miranda gasped out loud. This made the slim lady move her hand faster so her mate got more feeling and satisfaction, being fucked by a toilet brush handle. Miranda has a big smile, it must feel very good, thought Louisa. Changing position she continued the brush fuck but knelt down in front of her pal on the toilet.
“Don’t stop Louisa. Put it all the way in,” ordered Miranda, her breathing becoming heavy. The brush was touching her inner erogenous zone. With one hand resting upon her podgy left thigh, Miranda put the other on Louisa’s head and ran it through her hair. In her mind she thought of her friend naked kissing her all over, massaging her with oils and finally fucking her with a strap on dildo, oh my we must do that next time we have a drink indoors at my flat. I bet it would be a wicked night together!
Pushing the brush handle all the way up her lover’s cunt, Louisa never took her eyes off the pussy in front of her. Fanny juice lubricated the action of the brush fuck, more running over her hand and onto the seat. A smell like fish and sweat came from the couple, groans from the big lady who was starting to cum. Moving her body in time with each rapid thrust of Louisa’s hand, the large gal made the toilet seat creek under her big body weight. Rocking backwards and forwards increasing in speed Miranda was on it, almost there, screaming: “This is it, I’m coming. Right now, I’m coming. Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
“Come on babe, come on my dear. I love the sight of your cunt with this brush going up, it looks so good. You really should see this,” enticed Louisa bringing her pal to orgasm. In a rush of pussy juice that shot out from Miranda’s cunt, she made her friend cum; it went everywhere!
“Oh my fucking Lord, I’ve cum, that felt wicked! Look at your arm and top. My pussy juice is all over you,” laughed Miranda, turning red with laughter.
“You bet, that was some orgasm,” answered the brush fucker chick, lessening her actions with her wrist and brush. Her arm was tired but it had been worth it. She wanted to do one more thing though. Moving forward she opened her mouth and bit Miranda on her left thigh.
She shouted and hit the side of the cubicle wall making it shake, “You can bite me harder now Louisa. Drink my blood! You know you enjoy it but do it quick and don’t make me cum again. We’ll be here all afternoon at this rate, you don’t want me to cum again coz it’ll be too much of a good thing.”
Not replying for a bit, she dug her teeth into the fatty flesh making blood run forth and gave Louisa a sense of power and enjoyment. She liked the coppery taste in her mouth when warm liquid filled ran over her tongue. Licking the inner thigh where the wound was, she eventually said, “I know. Dinner break must be over; we’ve got to get cleaned up. You saw the funny looks our boss gave us this morning when we went back to work and I wanted to do that for quite sometime. Did it feel nice?” Louisa replied removing the brush from her mate’s cunt and putting it in the holder by the corner.
“Yes it felt good. You made me bleed though, give me some tissue to put on it. We must get back to work now. Fuck our boss. She’s a stuck up madam who never gets any sex. Fuck her,” sniggered Miranda, standing up, pulling up her creased fanny juice covered trousers and wiping blood off her hand.
“If she asks what we’ve been up to, I’ll tell her the truth and say we’ve been getting it on. She may want to join us,” giggled the other, opening the toilet door and washing her hands clean of pussy juice and blood. She left the blood on her chin. It’ll look good and scare our boss.
Miranda laughed and joined her by the sinks. “We can ask her to join us if she says anything. Who knows, it could be the best fun she’s ever had!”
In the office later both ladies got on with their computer work. Their stern faced boss came over and glared at them each in turn, after a minute she spoke, “What were you two girls doing in the toilets at dinnertime? You were half an hour late for work. I’ll dock your wages!”
“Answer me then, don’t ignore my question!”
“What do you mean what were we doing? That’s a silly thing to ask, isn’t it?” retorted Louisa, not looking up from her computer monitor.
“Well tell me, I want to know! And why do you have blood around your mouth Louisa?” snarled the boss, now bright red in anger.
“If you want to know, we were playing. And I drank some of Miranda’s blood. That’s what we were doing,” replied Miranda, saving her friend from embarrassment. She looked directly at her boss, who avoided her gaze.
“Playing? With what? Drinking blood?”
“With a toilet brush, a pussy and a little bite. Oh it was such fun. You should try it; in fact why not join us?” Miranda explained, telling the truth and inviting their bitch of a boss, who was now silent.
“Yes, do join us. You won’t be stressed then and it’ll be fun,” whispered Louisa, contributing to their little chat. “Miranda enjoyed it, she’s the blood donor.”
“Fun? Fun! I’ve not had fun since I had lesbian sex with my brother’s wife six years ago. Do you know what it’s like running this bloody company and working twelve hour days? Not to mention having three kids to bring up on my own. Do you know what it’s like doing all that? Fun you say!” exploded their prissy boss, other co-workers in the open plan office looked up in surprise and embarrassment. The boss had let out too much information, on how crap her love life was, that she’d tried lesbian sex before and that she was now a single mother bringing up her kids on her own. Louisa and Miranda just looked at one another, shocked by their boss’s frank admission and wondering why they hadn’t been disciplined for their sex act in the toilet.
“Fucking hell! That’s a lot to take in. You’re now single, what about your husband? Where is he? You did what with your brother’s wife?” gasped Miranda in total surprise. This was unreal! Their boss never said anything about their sex or blood act.
“There’s no time like now then!” said Louisa, taking charge of the moment. She left her computer and stood up, walking to her boss, embracing her and kissing her full on her lips. Their boss was too dumbstruck to resist. She kissed her employee back. Did she taste Miranda’s old blood?
Miranda joined Louisa and massaged their boss’s back; she was so tense with stress and anger but didn’t push either girl away. This could be the thing to save her, she wondered, working on tense muscles and aching flesh.
“Come over here and sit down, let’s have some fun,” reassured Louisa to Lisa, their boss of two years.
“Yes, yes. I need some fun. It’s been so long,” spoke their boss, low and distant. She joined the two ladies on the leather settee by the water machine in the office foyer. Who cared if anyone saw them? They were with their boss and that covered their sweet sexy butts.
Their boss flopped down and closed her eyes; Louisa removed Lisa’s nice green designer blouse. Her small tits stood firm behind a black bra, this came off in seconds. Miranda worked on her bottom half, unzipping her medium length skirt and carefully taking it down. Next her grey tights, slowly so not to ladder them; finally her light blue panties until she was naked. Both girls kissed Lisa all over, on her arms and legs, her arse, her tits, between her legs, on her neck, everywhere.
Lisa groaned and moaned in happiness. She almost fainted and wasn’t fully conscious. Not even when Louisa bit her boss on her wrist did she wake up, or even when her blood was being drank in loud slurping noises that had Miranda cackle like a mad woman. Wanting some of the action, the big lady bit Lisa on her neck. The erotic blood drinking party was on...