Tuesday 30 June 2015

Storm: Mexico's Killing Fields

Storm: Mexico's Killing Fields
A failed state by anyone's definition. With a corrupt government. Hand in hand with the drug cartels. Same with every branch of the armed forces and police. All in it together. Partly funded by drugs, kidnappings and murders. With weapons and equipment provided by America. Broken faith that it makes a difference.

Eighty thousand dead in over a decade of drug wars. Twenty six thousand missing. A number that rises each day. A tap on your door at 6AM. Taking you in front of your family. Resist? Then you die. How many families can pay up? How many hostages are safely released and reunited? Who is taken next?

Nobody is safe. Drive down the highway, cops can pull you over. Call your family, he says turn your phone off. You disappear. Forever. Government say it'll help; it doesn't. Only the families keep looking. So many missing loved ones. They look even if it kills them. No other option.

There are burn pits in the mountains. Your loved ones died here. There is evidence: broken bones, ashes, empty fuel containers, bits of rubber and wood. To destroy the bodies so DNA is corrupted. The chances of identification are almost zero. The thugs are both smart and skilled. And always get away with it.

The year 2015, it's just like 1985. Events in Mexico are bigger than Argentina, Chile, El Salvador and Nicaragua combined. The 'Disappeared' keep disappearing. Students going on a demo end up missing, presumed dead. Not even the army intervened. Was it them? Working with the cartels?

The whole world is watching and nothing is changing. What will it take? A revolution born in the land of revolution? The blood of a hundred thousand more to stop this mess? Rising up and overthrowing their corrupt leaders, the military and police. Is that possible? Or a fool's dream in a one sided war?

Juniper’s Daughter: The Final War, A novel by Nick Armbrister

   Walking into a bigger town, the outskirts of which were boarded up or abandoned, a road led up to a hill. She stopped and gazed around her, to the snow covered hills rising to mountains behind them and at the houses along over the valley, before her. Her gaze washed over the town that was even further away, all different places of the same town with so many different names. People still lived there, tough folk who had endured so much.
   In the distance she noticed something very odd that sent shock waves through her soul. Pausing mid breath, she silently screamed, “No!”
   Many miles distant, a hideous sight greeted her. She had seen this before but this was still fresh, fires slowly burnt themselves out on anything combustible after the initial blast. Smoke hung over the distant town centre of Oldham some six or seven miles distant and flickering fires could be seen amongst the wasteland of what was once a town. A huge distant cloud, faintly resembling a mushroom cloud was just about visible, remnants of the event carrying fallout to kill more in a hideous radiological death. 
Immediately she knew what this was and what it stood for, what had happened.
   She had to get there now; there was only one way to do it – magic! Opening her bag she got her secret magic crystal, the key to her power in so many ways. Holding it out in front of her at arms length, she chanted incoherent incantations, age old with meaning only known to herself and her mother. With a whip crack and rush of wind Juniper’s Daughter was carried through the very air, her power compressing and changing it so she was there in seconds. Slightly dizzy and disorientated, she opened her eyes to see a ruined townscape beneath her as she held her arms out to land on the scorched earth amidst nuclear devastation. She wanted to cry at the loss of life and destruction but she channelled her energies into bringing positivity here, slighting the Devil’s hand and making way for her Mother’s influence to nourish and redeem her land again, away from the nuclear poisons.
   Her crystal glowed as she brought down magic around her, incantations away dear witch girl! Her small spell done, she walked over the rubble of blocks of houses and climbed over the black bricks and unidentifiable things. Bits of skeletons stuck out of some brick piles. No flesh, just white bone shaded in black from the fire. She picked up an arm bone and tossed it up into the air, caught it and scrutinised it. The witch knew that this was a person once. A tear ran down her cheek, she understood so clearly the loss and death at ground zero. Again it had happened; she wasn’t quick enough to stop it. Carefully she placed the bone back and said a short prayer:

   “My great Earth Mother please forgive and heal the unfortunate people who perished here, on this spot before their natural time was up. They are lost souls now and need our guidance and unconditional love. Remove all evil from this place, let peace reign and keep the Devil at bay. So mote it be.”


   Juniper’s Daughter did the flyby noticing the transporter carried on its original course and speed. Another fly by on their left side followed by a steep turn right in front of their nose should do the trick – a risky manoeuvre due to the low height and dangerous gun on the craft. Closer and closer she flew in a feat of brilliant airmanship, tilting her shiny silver saucer until the angle was dizzying. By thought alone she controlled her ship curving round just a hundred feet from the transport, which was rapidly lost from view due to the steep angle of her turn and closeness of the other craft.
   Onboard the transporter, the officer and pilot swore and screamed insults at the saucer and witch. Keep on course ordered the officer in anger, don’t let that bitch win. She won’t open fire due to the prisoner but we can fire, a warning shot, do it now ordered the officer to his pilot, who obeyed. His finger pressed the trigger and five nuclear bullets left the barrel of the single specially modified machine gun. The special shells flew forwards at a mile a second, hitting the ground three miles away. The flying saucer was still in the rear hemisphere turning back to do its next pass.  Would her tactics change? What would the witch do now? Would the small nuclear explosions put her off? She was a tenacious bitch but even she had her limits. The English army knew much of these and even knowing some of what the witch couldn’t do, still put the army at a huge disadvantage. New weapon systems like nuclear bullets and Devil Snails helped tip the scales a little in their favour but not much. The most powerful laser mounted on the largest Devil Snail was a peashooter when compared to the laser cannon mounted on the flying saucer and even her magic when directed by the crystal on her wand was three times as powerful as the twin large lasers on the largest attack unit. This last capability drained Juniper’s Daughter’s energy levels to dangerously low levels, after using such a skill she was dangerous to counterattack or even capture.

   Five nuclear bullets flew forth out into the sky, each one exploded like a mini nuclear explosion with bright flash splitting the heavens, a small fireball one metre in diameter and over thirty million degrees Centigrade – a mini sun, this vaporised everything close by. Following this was a supersonic blast wave kicking out in a sphere for a distance of one hundred metres destroying everything apart from solid granite mountainsides; reinforced concrete would yield to such powerful weapons. One might be brushed off but not ten or even a hundred, destruction would be total; after the supersonic blast wave, a wind of two hundred and fifty miles an hour occupied the space where the air had been blown away. This wind blew in two directions – first away from the main shockwave back to the point of the explosion and then in the opposite direction away from the blast, in the footsteps of the main blast wave. In-between all this was the firestorm, a left over from the high temperatures of the almost infinitely hot fireball, structures made of natural materials burned like under a blowtorch. If the shockwave was at ground level, a mini earthquake was created to shake down any tall buildings like a tower block or bridge. When five nuclear bullets went off all together the effect was devastating and lethal, luckily the witch and her saucer were out of range when the explosions occurred. It got her attention and that was the desired result. A total of a hundred and fifty nuclear bullets occupied the magazine of the single machine gun on the nose of the English army transport, giving wicked firepower and a powerful advantage to the English army. With the right tactics they could control the whole landmass, given time and total violence using their newly invented wonder weapons. Adolf Hitler would die for such lethal technology.

Monday 29 June 2015

my new book of dark poems check it out

This anthology brings together Nick's darker poems in his 20 years of writing. There are many moods, topics, styles and poems here. Each tells a story. It's up to you, the reader, to judge the work here. The human condition is one of thoughts and emotions. How many of us have been hurt, depressed or angry in our own existence? Nick has experienced much in life; some of his experiences and views are here, in his work. Unlike most people, he writes and documents his life. A unique and varied book suitable for not only goths but everybody else. Welcome to Nick's dark yet creative world.
I live in my world torn apart by no job and two and a half years on the dole, me a trained multi skilled worker. Feels like I’m on the scrapheap in my murder town. Why is it so bad? Who’s to blame?
The government?
Do I kick out viciously when I’m backed into the corner and vote for the BNP, real protest vote against my government who failed me by not getting me a job after I applied for over 100 vacancies? I’m so annoyed, it shouldn’t be like this.
When I read this poem next year what will I think, what should have been?


See the world by candlelight sings U2. If you're unlucky, the flash clap boom of a nearby nuke will snuff out your candle. That was the way in Cold War 80s and New Cold War 201+.

No love lost there for the Russian leaders who inflict their will upon us. Their military following orders. Absolving them of blame. What do the mothers think when their son was killed in a 'training accident'? They know Ivan died in Ukraine. 

Sunday 28 June 2015

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series One by Jimmy Boom Semtex

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series One by Jimmy Boom Semtex
"Hello there young lady. Yes, I'm Fire Exting
"It's a pleasure my friend. This is the old barn, we can go inside and no one will find us. I told my husband I'll be busy cleaning and going into town so he won't be looking for me. He'll be busy with his ladies," Kerry said. She opened the small side door on the barn. It squeaked open.
"The pleasure is all mine Kerry my dear. This looks superb. Very rustic. Time with his ladies?" Fire Extinguisher Man looked perplexed.
"Yes, nobody will know we're here. I mean his cows. He looks after them and calls them his 'ladies'. They take up most of his time. That's why I emailed and phoned you. I feel so neglected." Kerry looked down, a little sad.
"Ah right, his cows. Thought he was having multiple affairs then," Fire Extinguisher Man nodded, giving Kerry a reassuring hug. "You don't need to explain your reasons why Kerry, I understand. You can trust me and I want you to feel safe and just be yourself. And have some fun if you want."
"That sounds good. Thanks for being so understanding."
They were inside the barn now. It contained two floors. Kerry slowly led her mystery lover to the second level. It was partly full of old hay and straw bales. She leant against a stack and indicated with a finger: Come here.
Fire Extinguisher Man joined Kerry and held her close. He looked deep into her light blue eyes. And was reminded of a mid June day. Sighing with longing, he kissed her. She hungrily responded. Their hands drew them tightly together, explored one another's bodies. Kerry shuddered when he rubbed the small of her back. She kissed him passionately, without end. And felt a bulge in his black jeans grow! Oh my fucking God! It felt big.
uisher Man. Thank you so much for answering my ad and inviting me down," Fire Extinguisher Man replied with a perfect Italian smile.

Thursday 25 June 2015



Here comes the New Year, ever so fast,
a virgin time for us to play with!
What will happen? Will it be full of triumph
and tragedy like the last one,
or will it be a permanent high?
I think it will be a bit of both as it nearly always is.
Will you make any promises to yourself for this New Year?
It’s completely up to you. As for me ill stick
to my age-old ways of taking it one day at a time.
I look forward to my new tattoo and a new motorbike jacket.
Paul can have my old one as it has served me well.
I’ll leave it there and let you wonder

what the New Year will bring for us all.

Juniper’s Daughter: Frontier Town by Nick Armbrister

Juniper’s Daughter: Frontier Town by Nick Armbrister  

Renford was a real mixture of people who were a cross section of this small society not far from the borders of Scotland. Protecting them was an organisation called the Frontier Corps, who numbered two hundred men and women, based in a secure compound in the centre of town underneath the old civic hall where the council offices once where. Now those offices were occupied by the town defence group who were in contact with all of the people with guns and weapons. This included the Medusa Weapons Facility staff, with certain gangsters who could be trusted, with Ernie the Worm, with Big Jake at Pistol Packin’ Mamma’s, with Tina and several other individual escort/protection people. Armed with only personal weapons in the small arms class like: sub machine gun, automatic pistols, medium strength machine guns and hand grenades. The Corps was mainly defensive in its military force make up and weapons – an infantry force. Where they shone strongest was in the area of intelligence, they organised the defence of Renford by collating information, intelligence and rumours into something solid and workable, thus making a plan of potential usefulness.
   In the event of war, heavy weapons would be provided by the Weapons Facility to stop the English army or Scottish freedom fighters/raiders if they used heavy weapons. Staff would be allocated to man them with whoever had the most training/experience having first choice, no one wanted to see Renford destroyed or occupied. Many people had battle experience of different types and this could be used now for training and in the future for defence. Offence was not even considered due to wanting to be left alone and not cause trouble with a superior enemy force. If urgently necessary, the small infantry force of the Frontier Corps could be used as a blocking force either on its own (this would be a last ditch suicide mission if they faced English army units with tanks and big guns), with part of their number being expendable to buy time to organise a better defence or as a total force. If this occurred everyone expected to be killed in battle, orders were not to give up ground, to make every bullet count on target and to not be captured alive (their intelligence skills and information was far too valuable an asset for the army to find out).
   With the English army occupying a huge area of eastern England, information was needed so a two-man unit would be organised to glean covert information. Rumour abounded of new terrifying weapons of unknown capability, type and use being developed by the army. Was there any truth in this or was it army propaganda and lies to scare the enemy to weaken them? The mission was being planned, two men were picked to man it and they were: Noel Jennings and Cris Holmes.
   Noel was a twenty two year old man whose main hobby was sniping with his old Lee Enfield rifle in his spare time, when he was not working for the Frontier Corps as an intelligence officer. He had untaken this role for the past eighteen months and rapidly gained experience on the theory of armies on the move but had yet to see action; this was his first operation. His colleague was three years older and had two previous ops under his belt so he was teaching the younger man the way to do things, to learn and stay alive. Cris was a dynamic individual sent to lead this small operation, if he did things right they would both return home alive with valuable information on the areas under army control. If he failed, they both would face death in any number of wicked ways, this was the reason they carried cyanide capsules to use in the event of capture. Cris usually planned operations out to the army area of occupation but now and again he needed to get on the ground and experience a real op, like in this case. Wearing dark coloured civilian clothing so not to stick out like the secret intelligence men they were, they set off in the early evening heading away from the Frontier Corps base in an easterly direction out of Renford, on the main road out of town slowly walking, the best way to travel quietly and stealthily.

Monday 22 June 2015

Picnic Jimmy Boom Semtex


Jimmy Boom Semtex

This is Picnic, Jimmy Boom Semtex's new poetry book. It features recent work on many topics like world events, war, love, satirical views on world leaders, humour and much more. Fans of Jimmy's work won't be disappointed in this volume which compliments his other releases. There is also a photo section of Jimmy's hometown and other random snaps. Check out this unique ebook now.

Young Eyes
The ten year old child sat by the water. They saw what was happening and it wasn't good. Affecting them greatly, bringing nightmares and nasty flashbacks. Things their young mind struggled to comprehend. Seeing the Syrian soldiers shoot at the Lebanese fishermen, killing some. 'It's what we do, open fire. Ask questions later,' commented a soldier. He seemed nonchalant, even happy.
The child witnessed many things, some random, others not. All were harsh events. Against a backdrop of beautiful blue water, history was made. A rickety biplane clattered by. From its belly dropped a tin fish - a torpedo. It entered the sea and thudded into a Turkish ship. And with a boom detonated. The ship sunk, first ever by torpedo from a warplane. What of her crew?


It Doesn't Snow In November by Jimmy Boom Semtex

It Doesn't Snow In November by Jimmy Boom Semtex free ebook

Hell, I slept through my alarm! Goddamn stupid thing. Got to get ready and meet Sarah at the pub for lunch – she’ll kill me if I’m late! She’s got a temper worse than mine but she’s my best mate. Time for a quick bath as I do my breakfast – two toast. Put a CD on, hmmmm... yes, The Gathering’s Mandylion album. How I love that! Hard to believe ten years have passed since it was released. Still sounds so good. Toast is ready, Marmite – my favourite. I think. My Mother did something right; no one to take the piss now as I munch this, yummy yummy in my tattooed tummy!

My bath’s ready: better not let it overflow, we know the last mess it made. I can be so forgetful... throw my old faded Metallica top on the floor and jump in. Just right! Lots of Rose-scented bubble bath, as sweet as me! Wish Karl were here to scrub my back. Aah, Karl... my fingers slip between my legs to my most secret place. You made me sore last week but how I love to fuck you.

Dressed now in faded “black” jeans, size 6 cherry red docks and my beloved Tristania t-shirt, I look in my full-length mirror – yes, I look good. Their last album Ashes was a stormer, loved them live too. As good as Nightwish but who would I fuck? Tarja or Vibeke? Decisions, decisions...

Stereo off, leave my flat, locking the door, say “Hi” to my neighbour Jason, an old Ted from the 60s. I heard your music again, a new one? Yes, sort of. Look, it’s Tristania, even got the t-shirt! Saw them live too, they’re from Norway. I’ll copy you the CD if you want? Well, lass, not Teddy boy music then? I could tell you some tales... I’ve got to go, another time maybe, Jason. I’m off to the pub to see my friend and have lunch. See you!

Quick walk to town. Just love this late August sun. Oh! That man’s staring at me, he must like me! Give him a quick wave as I turn the corner by the churchyard. Then duck into the pub – there’s Sarah! Hi, how ya doin? Great, me too. What ya having? Usual. Yes, me too. We’ll have these, then order lunch. This is nice lager...

We laugh and joke only as good friends do. Sarah just broke up with Mark but likes Liam but he fancies what’s her name? Sarah may have a girlie fling with Wendy for post break-up blues relief. I don’t know, what’s she like? We order food with free a beer, chicken tikka masala for me (I’m the hot one!) and lasagne for Sarah. More small talk, two or three jokes and our meals arrive, are eaten. Another beer, yes, see you again tonight, say hi to Wendy for me.

Sunday 21 June 2015

my dark child, from my own life experiences...

my dark child, from my own life experiences... http://www.lulu.com/shop/nick-armbrister/dark-delectable-delicious-destructive-poems-for-goths-gangsters-and-other-mysterious-souls-20-years-of-nick-armbristers-dark-poems/ebook/product-22220819.html

This anthology brings together Nick's darker poems in his 20 years of writing. There are many moods, topics, styles and poems here. Each tells a story. It's up to you, the reader, to judge the work here. The human condition is one of thoughts and emotions. How many of us have been hurt, depressed or angry in our own existence? Nick has experienced much in life; some of his experiences and views are here, in his work. Unlike most people, he writes and documents his life. A unique and varied book suitable for not only goths but everybody else. Welcome to Nick's dark yet creative world.


Ascending and turning to the right I shield my eyes to the horrors before me.
I don’t want to look but I know what is there – it is the unbegotten,
all swirling in flames, flesh falling from their burning bones.
Writhing in eternal damnation. Am I to become one, or am I to watch from the edge of hell as they burn? I am being drawn into this vision, this nemesis of death.
I have no hope, only pity for my victims and myself. Here is where I belong in Hades amongst the nightmares and pain of forever; but I am privileged to watch and to remember all of the pain, hatred and anger.
For I am a man, a mortal man who is responsible for the suffering of his fellow humans because it is so easy to cause them pain.

Friday 19 June 2015


Where are you in the sky in relation to me? Looping round in a great curve coming to get me, down the other side. Do you see me in my green and yellow stunt plane? I see you in your oh so pretty wooden airplane moving like an angel. We fly and manoeuvre like swirling dervishes as the ground replaces the blue, unreal three dimensional actions. God must have let us do it. Nothing feels like it. Only flight.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Destructive - Poems for Goths, Gangsters and Other Mysterious Souls": "20 Years of Nick Armbrister's Dark Poems"

Destructive - Poems for Goths, Gangsters and Other Mysterious Souls": "20 Years of Nick Armbrister's Dark Poems"

This anthology brings together Nick's darker poems in his 20 years of writing. There are many moods, topics, styles and poems here. Each tells a story. It's up to you, the reader, to judge the work here. The human condition is one of thoughts and emotions. How many of us have been hurt, depressed or angry in our own existence? Nick has experienced much in life; some of his experiences and views are here, in his work. Unlike most people, he writes and documents his life. A unique and varied book suitable for not only goths but everybody else. Welcome to Nick's dark yet creative world.


Wednesday 17 June 2015

My Little Cold War

My Little Cold War 

My mate sent some song lyrics to me, by some band. I read them after reading my story on my nuclear armed stealth jet being used in anger. I’m trying to make sense of the cold war I grew up in now, so many years later. It’s so crazy. The younger kids have no idea but my mate does, he’s only 21 but he tries to understand what it was like growing up under the shadow of the bomb and east v west. My other mate who shares my views and feelings on the cold war, tried to explain to his wife and oldest kid what it was about and how we felt in the early/mid 80s. She is 32 but she had no grasp of the situation. I guess ignorance is bliss.
For even now I’m stuck in the cold war, in my head there’s this stunning unreal battle played out over and over. What if? Who would win, what would it have been like? How many would die? What would the small air battles with hundreds of jet fighters have been like? In neighbouring neutral countries what would it have been like to see distant flashes of nuclear explosions and towering mushroom clouds soon to deposit fall out upon you? Killing you though you never took part, neutrality be damned! My own mother wasn’t scared of the nukes but I was and now looking back, as a historian it all comes rushing back to me.
I want a friend the same age as me in the east, a guy so there are no complications, to tell me his side of it. His own small cold war story, what he felt like, what he did, what he remembers now. To tell me where the missiles were based, near his town? Where was the Mig air base? Did his dad serve in the Warpac armies facing off his NATO counterparts? Would my eastern European friend have known of the sixty thousand plus nuclear weapons waiting to blow our world up? What would my friend think of my fascination of nuclear war and weapons? I try to make sense of the madness and it overshadows me like I’m nothing.

I grew up under the shadow of the bomb and of east v west...



Moonsister, earth goddess,
The sky awaits you, your
searching gaze pauses the
Does your heart beat in
time with nature or do you
listen to the wind for your

name being called?

Monday 15 June 2015



What is it like to be Russian, Bulgarian or German?
What is it like to mourn a person’s death
or to witness a town’s destruction?
We are English, we win the wars, we never lose.
We can only guess what it is like
to have our homeland occupied by an invader.
Think of the futile resistance against a crushing
enemy with no sense of winning, ever.
In our English hearts we will endure
all and defeat our foes.
We think of those less fortunate,
under the boot of the enemy.



Both out driving on a warm summer’s day,
two people out enjoying themselves.
The stereo is on and trees fly by as the road unwinds.
Soon they’ll arrive at the village to see
some old history which they will join only for a moment.
After having dinner in a small English café,
they are at peace watching the world go by
sitting back observing it
being apart from it only for awhile.



Look around at the Queen’s England.
It’s such a magnificent country with a quaint air of happiness.
There is a freedom here like nowhere else on earth.
It’s part of being an English patriot,
of being in love with an English girl,
of shedding a tear when a Spitfire roars past.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Thirty Aught Six

Thirty Aught Six
The ruling 2% elite made the new rules. Don't do what you're told, your benefits will be stopped. I was at the joke shop and they said I'm sanctioned. Hey, twats, I don't have an illegal nuclear weapons program like Iran! But there I was, in the job centre. I wanted to be elsewhere.

It was like I was watching a stranger. I saw the stranger get sanctioned. You've not been to this job interview. Why not? I was ill. Do you have a doctor's note? No. That's not a good enough reason. Imagine how I felt. Imagine those feelings.

We're going to stop your benefits for 2 months. How do I live? How do I eat? That's not our concern. You should have gone to the interview. They lectured me. Treated me like I was nothing. I got up and left. They were still talking, droning on.

When I walked out of the job centre, I knew they couldn't touch me anymore. I was flying. I went home and locked my door. I'd drink water. I knew I'd be dead in 6 weeks. Another statistic. At least I'll be free then. Fuck them all.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Grassin' Bitch Versus Nympho

Grassin' Bitch Versus Nympho 
Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! See strange men call at her house. Only after one thing.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! Hear her scream - disturbing our sleep.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! How any times has she done this? Each time it's a different guy.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! Ads on the net, in phone boxes, in a pub toilet. To get new men.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! It's not right, she's having too much sex. Too much fun!

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! We're old vindictive jealous neighbours. Going to grass her up.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! Her pussy's like a vacuum cleaner. Siphoning up new cock like there's no tomorrow.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! She's a nympho. Broken her ASBO. Two weeks in jail.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! Doing bird. While in the slammer it's lesbian sex and brush handle time.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! Are you happy, you grassing bitch? Wait till she's out and fucking again.

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! When did you last have a fuck, supergrass? Did your hubby go and fuck her?

Bump n grind, call the cops! She's having a right good fuck again! The local legend will live and fuck on. No one will ever tame or stop her. Not even you.

There is Nothing By Jimmy Boom Semtex

There is Nothing By Jimmy Boom Semtex
Copyright 2014 Jimmy Boom Semtex. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-326-00340-1
New Cold War
I'm a child of the Cold War. I was a kid and then teenager in those heady days. Fear was there, it was real. A tangible thing. Like being aged 13 and telling an adult to fuck off. But a million times more deadly. Potential of war, World War 3, was off the scale. East v West in a dizzying game of Armageddon. Quite a party. Everyone invited, no party poopers here. Early November 1983, NATO did Operation Able Archer. A Command and Control exercise. The Soviets thought it was real and got ready, just in case. Missiles armed, bombs near jets. Now thirty plus years later, my scary old friend is back. I'm thrilled and terrified. It's amazing and surreal. Russia annexing Crimea like Nazi Germany in the late 30s. What next? Massed military forces moving into Ukraine proper? NATO beefs up her defences; radar planes in Poland and Romania, extra fighters in the Baltics. More Russian jets in Belarus. Up and up it goes. Worse crisis since the Cold War. When America switches focus from the Middle to the Far East. What next in our New Cold War?

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Nowhere Man

Nowhere Man
He lives in my head and is going nowhere. The nowhere man. He has no name except Nowhere Man. I don't know his age. As old as me? The Nowhere Man in my head. Not saying or doing anything.

How do I know he's there then?

I feel his gaze through my eyes. When I blink there's a delay and he blinks. He sees other things. Not what I witness. If I see a man shot dead, he sees a woman. The Nowhere Man who does nothing but watch. 

Monday 8 June 2015

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Four by Jimmy Boom Semtex - Nick's world of writing

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Four by Jimmy Boom Semtex - Nick's world of writing

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Three

"Oh my fucking God! Your dick is so fucking big. That feels wonderful," Gemma gasped, moving along with Fire Extinguisher Man.
"Glad you like it baby," he replied.
"You get all the fun," Lisa whispered, coming again. The gigolo did his magic on the younger girl's pussy.
"Wait my dear Lisa. He's almost done."
"Oh mum, I'm coming again!" Moans and gasps filled the air.
"So am I! So am I!" Fire Extinguisher Man commented, giving it his all. Ten inches of his cock went in and out of Gemma's lovely pussy. He came inside her.
With no hesitation, he rolled off Gemma and mounted Lisa. Now she got the fuck of her life by the world's best lover. Gemma lay there watching them have sex; she was spent.
"I'll be gentle," the gigolo said.
"Do your worst," Lisa replied, wrapping her legs round her lover. He nodded and grinned. Lisa nodded too.
His athletic physique let him go on forever. With an inexperienced or delicate lady he was a gentlemen and a gentle lover. When such a lover was keen and wanted it hard, he gave it. Like now. Fire Extinguisher Man did his bit. Lisa groaned and closed her eyes. She attempted to match his moves but it was too much. She just lied there and took it for five minutes. Then she slapped Fire Extinguisher Man. He pulled out and turned her over, lifting up her butt.
"Gently," Lisa whispered.
"Yes," he replied.
Slowly, he entered her, only using eight inches of his fourteen inch dick.http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Extinguisher-Erotic-Stories-Three-ebook/dp/B00W22T32A/ref=sr_1_16?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1433787400&sr=1-16&keywords=Jimmy+Boom+Semtex

Off To Rockworld

Off To Rockworld

Got my tank fully fuelled up. I wanna go headbanging and gothing out. I speed down the road from Oldham Shithole and whoosh down Oxford Road. Seeing the venue, I screech to a stop, tearing up the road.

Something aint right.

There's a name change. It now sez Tesco! Fuck. I slew the turret and aim my big fat cannon and press the tit. BOOM! My 125mm shell blows it to fucking bits. When the dust and debris clears, I enter the premises. I slip on blood and milk and baked beans.

Shit! I'm too late.

Rockworld has gone and is/was now Tesco's. How can they murder Manchester's best metal/goth club? Replacing it with a supermarket. Time to make some purchases. I empty the beer and booze section and put it in my Conqueror tank.

Time to finish the fucking job.

I pump shell after shell into the place. Till nothing but a ruin remains. The complete block collapses. Time to go back to Shithole, pick my mates up and drink this pilfered beer to some cool goth/metal tunes.

RIP Rockworld, I mean Tesco!

Sunday 7 June 2015



What is love? 
Is it loving? 
Is it making love? 
Is it feeling? 
No, it's simply being.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Two by Jimmy Boom Semtex - Nick's world of writing

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Two by Jimmy Boom Semtex - Nick's world of writing

No Sleep Till Death

No Sleep Till Death
Russians are like insomnia. Always there and always evil. No let up on the pressure. A wave bursting out of your skull. A physical presence so real it becomes surreal. Invisible, not there, not existing.

But eight thousand nuclear warheads, massive human rights abuses, Crimean annexation, Ukrainian invasion and a delusionary paranoid dictator give pause for thought. Let us touch reality.

When sleep does come, its broken. You awake feeling shit, unrested, on edge, that something is up and bad things will happen. That's Russia peering over your shoulder.
The bit of sleep you have is punctuated by dreams, bad ones. 

Nightmares of unseen imagery, enemies too evil for words. For insomnia is Russia, Russia is insomnia. 
And when Russia blows, it'll affect every single one of us. We'll all be wide-awake then. Only sleeping as the final nuclear curtain falls.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Three by Jimmy Boom Semtex

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Three by Jimmy Boom Semtex
Copyright 2015 Jimmy Boom Semtex. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-326-22985-6
"So am I! So am I!" Fire Extinguisher Man commented, giving it his all. Ten inches of his cock went in and out of Gemma's lovely pussy. He came inside her.
With no hesitation, he rolled off Gemma and mounted Lisa. Now she got the fuck of her life by the world's best lover. Gemma lay there watching them have sex; she was spent.
"I'll be gentle," the gigolo said.
"Do your worst," Lisa replied, wrapping her legs round her lover. He nodded and grinned. Lisa nodded too.
His athletic physique let him go on forever. With an inexperienced or delicate lady he was a gentlemen and a gentle lover. When such a lover was keen and wanted it hard, he gave it. Like now. Fire Extinguisher Man did his bit. Lisa groaned and closed her eyes. She attempted to match his moves but it was too much. She just lied there and took it for five minutes. Then she slapped Fire Extinguisher Man. He pulled out and turned her over, lifting up her butt.
"Gently," Lisa whispered.
"Yes," he replied.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Broken Turtles - Nick's world of writing

Broken Turtles - Nick's world of writing

Broken Turtles

Jelma story number 5. Join her in the latest Jimmy Boom Semtex release. The Asian war is bad. Touching everybody. Join Jelma and Chen as they have a ring side seat to nuclear war and air combat. Having survived a second shoot down, they await rescue. Jelma still loves fashion. It kept her alive in her sad past and does now when she learns of the death of her loved ones and loss of her business. Chen is by her side. He joins the South Korean Air Force and fights his countrymen. The young couple stand united as Asia is torn apart. Jelma holds the key to peace. Will it be peace or war?http://www.lulu.com/shop/jimmy-boom-semtex/broken-turtles/ebook/product-22197968.html

stop the dog eating yulin festival. poem ive done... - Nick's world of writing

stop the dog eating yulin festival. poem ive done... - Nick's world of writing

Monday 1 June 2015



Winging around in a long graceful curve the Medussa senses an enemy missile sight.
She will attack at once with terrible firepower, for the year is early 1999 and the re-winged F-16 is a force to be reckoned with.
Without a pilot this drone of the air is expendable, its job is to obliterate the enemy wherever he is – missile sights and Migs, they all die.
Is this plane the devil’s chariot? Will it be used in the final battle between good and evil, the battle of Armageddon?