Wednesday 29 October 2014


Do you want to renounce violence against other people on a personal scale and on an international level, where countries are bombed and shelled? This isn’t good, people are injured and die. Think what happens if I hit someone and kill him with one punch, this does happen. If a mortar falls and kills a dozen people in a busy market place.
What does it solve? Each person has a relative and a loved one who holds them dear. It’s so easy to throw a punch or pull a trigger and not even think about it. Hate erupts so easy, aggression growing like flames on lit petrol. Engulfing our lives, towns and countries.
Each year, a new war takes hold on a country. New murders on our streets, blighting the planet. Think how this affects our world of humankind. It’s not very good is it, violence against people perpetrated by others. Will education and tolerance stop all that is wrong, in the cities and nations of our precious world?

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