Sunday 25 November 2012


The Lie That Is Love

Who’s ever fallen for the lie that is called LOVE? Been fucked over by gal who appears to like them, then pushes them away like a piece of trash? Unwanted, used and feeling crap. Actions that are the total opposite of love and the lie that it is. No worries, build walls around yourself, let no-one in and only you have the key. If they want to access your heart, say fuck off, it’s out of service.
Never mind the lie that is the family. I was fucked over by a vicious ex who left me and never even told me to my face. The day before she left me, we watched a film and all was fine. Her sister asked her bother, “Are they ok?” It was obvious her fucking siblings were in on the act. There’s much more to this but I’ll say evil devil words. Stay single and use a condom. It’s all a lie to entrap you.
Hollywood makes shit stupid films like Titanic with two dimensional characters, capitalizing on the fakeness of romance and stupid self sacrifice. I’d be fuck you bitch; it’s my place in the lifeboat. Stick with war films and sci-fi, better stories and some good killing. Who needs limp dick films? Watch porn if you want a cheap thrill or pay for no strings sex with a hooker.
My message here is avoid the perilous dating game, where you spend hard earned cash on some bitch who wants a free night out. She’ll pretend to like you and fleece you for everything you’ve got. Don’t get married, after a year of fucking you its kaput. Half of what is yours, it now hers. What a scheming, conniving cow you married. She took you to the cleaners. Stay single.

Nicely Nice

Black and orange butterfly flies zig zag pattern over a river dodging speedy dragonflies, low over the water at mad angles. Sense of speed beyond all else. Movement pure and simple. Past dragonfly territory, over the rocky river bank. Looking, searching for what? Something. What? Feel a little tired.
Land on a rock to rest, blur of flapping wings before a halt. Nice to chill. What the fuck? Bloody rock moves! Goddamn Pagan Goddess not a rush! Stone is alive; butterfly Fliss arrows upwards to safety. Wolf is not amused. Was resting under midday sun and his nose was tickled when a cheeky butterfly dared to land on his snout. Bloody cheek! Snap went wolf teeth. A miss!
Butterfly won't take any grief, arcs round in a high speed turn to buzz the wolf. I'll show you! Try to eat me, I'll wake you up and disturb your bloody peace for snapping your sharp teeth at me. I'm the Goddess! Round again buzzing the wolf, who's the boss? Butterfly is! 6 more times the game continues, buzz the wolf, snap go his teeth. He settles down on his haunches, enough!
Butterfly lands on his nose, soft as gossamer spider web feather snowflake, peace. Wolf speaks humbly, 'What's your name brave fast butterfly flier?' Silence for a minute. 'I'm Fliss...' They both changed and made love. The circle was complete. Butterfly was home... xxx


One million hearts speak as one; I listen to the solitary one who cries out in eloquent despair. That single wounded heart will claim me by her right and ensnare me and save me from me and I’ll never break it. She’ll bring me happiness after years of sorrow. Her name is?
Rockets are for the benefit of the human race taking us to the stars or for the worst, blowing us to bits. My poem book is heavy upon my back; I’ve been through so much shit in life. Who’s innocent in this game of madness? You, me, him, her? No one is. Some people collect issues like others do stamps.
Life was easier when I was young, no clue on girls so I kept away. Who do I gain knowledge as I age? Shame I can’t go back and use some of it in my younger days. We mustn’t play games with peoples’ lives and they mustn’t reciprocate. I want to move a long way from this town, like before. It’s my orbit.


Something is very badly wrong in my life in romance, if you ask how my private life is what do I tell you? That it’s private and none of your business or that I have no love life and haven’t for three years, except random sex with low quality gals.
No one to romance me, to be there for me when I need them or even listen to my new poems and support me when I need it. Just this poem capturing my ongoing endless life as a bachelor. This ain’t fun unless you like getting drunk with your mates and being eternally single.
Maybe fate will show me the way to fix my life and regain my happiness, not doing the same errors. Or I too choosy and hoping to meet someone who doesn’t exist? Chasing Willow the Wisp as Olive Oil walks right on by?

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