Thursday 29 November 2012

Juniper’s Daughter: The Final War A novel by Nick Armbrister

Juniper’s Daughter: The Final War                              

A novel by Nick Armbrister


   A time and town so very different from now, several key events had changed European history forever. First the civil war of 2005 – 08 is now over, which led to the break up of United Kingdom. A quarter of a million died achieving what politics never could.
   The weeklong conflict with France was over. From what started as a fishing dispute led to a localised nuclear war in which thirty million British and fifty million French perished. The madness that irradiated half of Europe stopped.
  A third key event saved the remaining innocents from the abyss. The arrival of a girl with special powers from nowhere, a so-called Goddess of the Earth, she was called Juniper’s Daughter…

Party At The End Of The World

   Only a fool thought nothing would happen after the armoured car was hijacked and fuel dump destroyed. English army high command planned and prepared to attack, to root out the freedom fighters, illegal weapons and black market trade in guns and booze. With the large town of Oldham being in the hands of the freedom fighters, just one example of lawlessness and the rule of the gun, any attack here would be a blue print to use elsewhere in England. A military state was in the making but with not enough men to physically do this and the questionable loyalty of men/women press ganged into the army being a big no-no, only one solution was left. To simply kill all of the known freedom fighters, war vets, people with weapons/weapons training and anyone else that took their fancy. A new genocide in the planning…

   Three of the freedom fighters relaxed after their near death experience on the way to Leeds. Lee’s wounds slowly healed under Sarah’s supervision at the aid station. Leah raised an eyebrow at his admission there but under their verbal agreement, nothing was said and he was given the best care.
   Sarah did confide in Leah on the old woman but not where or how they had met her, the story of Juniper’s Daughter needed to be told and Leah was the perfect confidante. She asked questions, Sarah gave her the answers she could and together both tried to piece together what they knew and what could or could not happen. This was an exercise in futility so they left it at this: sometime in the future something would happen with the appearance of someone not from around here, a person to help and heal and not kill or wage war. A way to a new future might be presented. If this helped end the killing and suffering, that had to be positive event, a step forwards to embrace the future, a journey into unknown. Vague as this was, it gave a positive feeling in these bleak times.
   Life went on day by day. Lee planned more arms shipments including the sale/trade of the armoured car to the Rochdale war vets and with its recent combat use, it was a prime jewel to trade with for whatever Lee wanted.
   John arranged repairs on the damaged vehicle with Red and Gun Barrel using stolen, old and home made equipment to repair the rocket grenade damage. New hydraulic lines needed to be made, damaged ones patched or replaced, the hole made by the shape charged warhead had to be welded with good strength metal, soundly as possible. Kevlar armour wasn’t available, metal and fibre glass was installed where the internal damage was. The whole vehicle would be repainted including repaired areas, hiding any military insignia/markings and a darker camouflage to improve visual stealth. If it couldn’t be seen, it couldn’t be targeted. Yet no amount of paint would ever hide the fact that it was a stolen English army armoured car.
   Repairs took two weeks; Lee improved drastically in this time. He liaised with John on the repairs and on the trade of the vehicle with the vets in Rochdale. It was agreed that they would provide support if the English army attacked and vice versa, armed people in Oldham would do the same if Rochdale was attacked. Everyone lived with this fact. Weapons were readied and plans made in case the army came and tried to take back their vehicle and punish the town or people for the death of two soldiers or any other reason. Guns, ammo, grenades and rocket-propelled stuff were stockpiled just in case; no tip off alerted them what the army planned, just sound common sense. For every action, there’s a reaction. The English army attacking would be the natural reaction.


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