Thursday 29 October 2015

HAIKU NATION REVIEW by Nick Armbrister

Simple, magical, real, imaginative, understandable. Also brilliant and seen through the same eyes which the reader jointly shares. P.J. Reed's anthology, Haiku Nation, is a book of haiku poems. One of the simplest forms of poetry but hardest styles to write.

The work here covers nature, emotions and people. There are many memorable pieces in this volume's six themes (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Wanderings and Waterfalling). One example is the piece on page 41 in the Winter section, it is overly powerful and dark. It reads:

drowning with sorrow
my tears would fill an ocean
body why so frail

My first impressions are that the author, P.J., has been hurt immeasurably deeply by a love affair gone wrong. Placed in Winter, did it happen in winter, when the land is desolate and the cold can kill you? Or is the poem about someone or something else? For example, a severe illness?

There are poems that balance this out. For example this joyous piece from the Waterfalling theme:

orange sunset paints
over sleeping blue waters
sun moon lake, nantou

This brings to mind a wonderful time spent at the Sun Moon Lake (in Taiwan). Simple but beautiful imagery straight from the heart. Almost a love poem, for a natural place and time enjoyed.

My favourite poem is on page 23, in the Summer part. Being alone and almost in a dark mood is banished by a gift from the moon. Is this unconditional love and a love poem?:

I am loneliness
the kind moon watches
and sends me a shadow friend

The water colour art too adds to the character of the book. Many poetry collections are visually boring, being a mere 'book of words'; Haiku Nation is way more than just words.

Highly recommended for haiku poetry lovers and for readers in general. A very enjoyable and warm book. Even the dark pieces of work trigger strong emotions. A follow up volume would be most welcome. Spread the word, P.J. Reed is the haiku poet to read. A contemporary of Vannessa Daou.

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