Tuesday 25 August 2015

Reality Bites

Reality Bites

In reality we are all just numbers. All along many have said this. Everything we do is under scrutiny. Spy agencies read our emails, watch our Yahoo Messenger videos, look at our photos. This isn't nearly enough. They track our movements by mobile phone tracker, access our phone records, see what books we get out of the library. Are you a terrorist or bomb maker? Been abroad to a suspect location? Got field training by al Qaeda or a dozen other terrorist organisations? Will you use those skills against your home country? What about the ordinary man and woman who want to work and have a good life? Gas prices rise in an orchestrated game of squeeze us dry. In 08 the governments and banks brought about global recession. Was it all planned in a secret game of chess? What will happen next to us? Us, who are nothing but numbers to 'Them'.

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