Friday 10 July 2015

Bone Idle Cunt

Bone Idle Cunt
Lazy boy was just that, a bone idle bastard. Staying in bed all day sleeping, up all night playing computer games. Not working, never done a day's graft in his life. He's just like his mates.
No responsibility, no income, taking cash of their parents or the government. Or doing something 'illegal' like selling weed or pinching cars. That's fine in his eyes, makes him a bit of a loveable rogue. Tell that to the cops when they bust you or owner of the car you stole.
Why are you like this? Coz your dad was the same? Doing this crap in the 80s. Only is was cool back then, not menacing like today. Think of your potential, unused and wasted.
Your clock is ticking one way, you can't claim the years back. You should have finished school, gone to college, got a trade and been set for life. Instead of living a twilight life where you're the boss. Are you willing to stay this way forever?
Your dad is 43 and he lives this way. In a council flat, apart from your mum. Going to bed at dawn after smoking skunk and drinking cider. He's got his life sussed. What a role model you have.
When your pregnant teen girlfriend gives birth, your son will follow in your footsteps. No hope, no job, no cash, no life, another loser of criminal lazy intent. Dooming your family, town and country to the scrapheap.

No inspiration, no way to better yourself, a life all mapped out. Generational atrophy. Learnt the hard way. Not even the Prime Minister who threatens benefit sanctions or a job can help you.

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