Tuesday 27 January 2015

Fashion Sharks by Jimmy Boom Semtex

Fashion Sharks by Jimmy Boom Semtex

Copyright Jimmy Boom Semtex 2014 all rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-291-88457-9

In the park
It was a nice sunny day in Hiroshima. People were enjoying the warm June sun on this Saturday afternoon in Wisteria Park. Amongst them was one young lady who was frowning; her thoughts weren't on the sun. More important things beckoned like the latest in ladies fashion. One particular dress was causing her some consternation. The thin shoulder straps just didn't look right. It was where they attached to the top of the dress. But on paper they looked good. The lady, age 23 and called Jelma, frowned again.
"This isn't looking good. Well, it does on paper but it won't for real, no. No not at all. That was confirmed on the test dress," Jelma muttered to herself.
Everything about the dress looks great, it's just those damned shoulder straps. I like them, the way they look. Yet they didn't work on the test piece I made. So annoying. I'll have to redesign them, if not the whole damn dress. Damn it. I don't want to do that. The dress looks good. Just the straps. Jelma's mind was fraught with tension. She was stressed. Not good. Pausing from her pad, she put down her art pencil down and took a gulp of her drink. That's nice. I sure do love this sweet grapefruit drink. Pocari Sweat. Silly name though. Silly like the problem with these damned shoulder straps!
Pausing for a few minutes, Jelma took time out. She stretched and knew she looked good in her cut down grey jeans and pink top. Style was always with her. Minutes slowly passed and her thoughts reformed themselves and she watched people in the park. Some read magazines, others played football, many flew kites of intricate design. More simply strolled in the ornate gardens. Many were couples spending time together. Jelma drank the last of her grapefruit drink, crumpled the can and put it in her bag to dispose of later.

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