Monday 21 January 2013

various crazy fucking poems...

She always was a good soul, they both got on like a blazing ammo dump; detonations careening along to where? They went out before as friends, back in the late 90s when he was married. Now, over a decade on with no marriage and years of being a bloody bachelor he wants her. They bumped into one another in the library, very convenient! Now he likes her just as much as back then, when they shared drinks in trendy Manchester bars and loud Oldham clubs.
Over time he forgot about her, after all nothing really happened. A dance, holding hands and was there ever a kiss? He really should remember but can’t, except how she was and still is. She was one of the catalysts that changed his young life forever; they were out with other friends the weekend when he left his wife.
He should have dated her then but he didn’t, they lost touch and he met another but that didn’t last and years fell by like empty beer bottles. Alcohol clouds his judgment, he’ll cut down he promises, when I meet someone to love me and care for me and I want Kathy now, like I did in the late 90s.               
What will happen? He never was able to control his life, do this at the right time but not that. Now he better learn or he’ll have many more lonely years like the last ones in this awful soulless town of bastards.
I wish I wasn’t wrong! I thought three ships perished in the freezing Baltic ocean. But it’s five. The Soviet Union sunk three but the Royal Air Force got two! See the names above, now meaning little in the 21st Century.
Back then it was a different story, two big ships crammed full of thousands of people being taken to hell knows were. Hit by British airpower and despatched to a watery grave, haven’t we been here before? Were these events covered up for decades? Due to who were on the ships? Allied prisoners of war and concentration camp victims? Killed on the two ships, drowning in the sea and finished by the SS?
Thielbek and Arcana, number four and five in the majestic old ships lost in the Baltic, adding ten thousand dead to the horror of that little quiet sea. An awful fairytale of five ships sunk and up to thirty thousand dead.
The truth can be awful like some trashy paperback novel written by a second rate author, wouldn’t it be nice if this was fake? Remember their names: Gustloff, Goya, Steuben, Thielbek and Arcana. I’m very sorry, I don’t know the name of the thirty thousand who perished, only God does and he is silent...

It’s obvious the north has failed me again, like in mid 00s when yank cow ruined my life. She stopped me being with her. I met another southern gal, we lasted 3yrs. Had some jobs and a car. Job went, then back north. Fail fail fail. Nowt, fuck all up here. No gal, no job, no car.
Last 1 died almost killed me on a motorway. Now another real southern gal pulls at my heart. Old pen pal from over a decade ago. My fault we lost touch. On crap valentine day she found me, after thinking where's nick? We talked by phone, it was whoomph!
What has she started? My southern lass into war history.
I hated Valentine’s Day with a burning hot vengeance; joined facefuck groups called fuck valentines day! My ex school mate said have a wank! And a witch commented I’m a nice lad, that I should have someone.
I did my English night school course, half the class wasn’t there. Out with their other partners, being wined and dined and getting their brains fucked out.
Then you get in touch, Layla, my old pen pal of a decade plus ago. It was my fault we lost touch, I stopped writing and moved around a lot.
You ignited something; I feel it when we talk for hours on the phone. Is it starting again?

Gonna take you up in my F-20 warplane; we’ll circle the moon on the darkest night, roll inverted through a cloud as wisps of gossamer safely embrace us forever. Like your touch showing I’m not alone.
Climb past the sun, blind in her glare, like I am to your affect upon me, perfect love. A passion like Her’s blazing away like our first kiss, intimately serene when I feel your passion and embrace, joining mine.
Up into calm blue sky where our sun always shines. Us rising past a Cirrus cloud, we climb on a tail of fire going where no one has ever been before.
I want to hear you gasp in awe when we see the curve of the earth under a black star laden sky. When we make love, let it be under such a spectacular star scape. What we have together is huge, minuscule when compared to Mother Nature. Yet You are Her and She is You. Femininely divine.
Stall turning ever so slowly, we soon hurtle to earth. A falling silver dart called Tigershark. She has a cold beauty, unlike your warm beautiful shadow perpetually upon me, your naked warmth keeping me safe on the stormiest night.
You found me after 11years; I’ll never forsake you again. Let’s fly together, forever in nature’s powerful sky making love till the rain comes to soothe our aching bodies.
I ask myself, is this how Mustang pilots felt, flying and fighting while thinking of their sweethearts, their name painted on the nose of their war bird. Alive, free and so very in love.
Onwards we fly, to freedom and unconditional love, Layla and Nick. Forever.

Oldham gals aren’t women; they’re mean and vicious, sneering down their nose at me. Only fit for being chained to the sink, cooking and washing. Forget in bed, they just lie there like a sack of spuds.
With a figure like a bag of spuds, you don’t want to take one home and be caught by your mother!  Definitely not marriage material, get hitched and you’re nailed to a bitch for the rest of your life. I’d rather be a long time single than with a slapper called Linda. “Put the tea on!” is all they’re for.
If I had a choice of an Oldham slapper, I’d turn gay! So would many other lads when they see the state of the talent! So many chav bitches hanging out at the job centre. Not bothered about getting a job but waiting for their boyfriends who’re signing on. On the social, getting a free flat and benefits to live off, these bitches have it all. No chance of university to better themselves, just day to day skimping of the state.
In the days of clubs like the Cabaret, the Candlelight, Dreamers and Henri’s, you could go and pick up a slag to fuck. Get a dose as well! Same old faces in the VD clinic. Was it worth a drunken shag after ten pints of Boddies bitter? If you get engaged to a local gal, she’ll fleece you and take what she can. This happened to me.
Get married and it’ll be a temporary matter. Soon half of your possessions will be in her care. I and my mates have been single for years, unable to get a nice woman. Only rough ones to fuck, better ladies are in more affluent parts of our country. More chance of winning the lottery than finding a life partner, take a chance locally.
It’s up to you but I pity you for the bitch you’ll end up with. Want an Oldham slapper? Not for me mate...

Are you proud to be a white man? Do you carry that pride when you kick a Pakistani man in the head after he stared at you too long? You wanna finish him off with another kick? While in your pocket, you carry your fascist group membership card, nicely laminated and printed, with your mug shot and a false name on it.            
Do you wanna lick your sister-in-law’s cunt and bring her to orgasm while your wife cares for your newborn baby? Putting you first, as you did when you made love to her when your wife was in labour, in hospital giving birth to your child. Did you explain, why her sister and yourself were late, coz you had a quick shag?
Do you wanna spend your monthly salary on your new sports car; a new body kit this month, new alloys last and a new boom box next month, while your mate has to pay double rent on your flat so you’re not evicted? Putting your car before your bills. What if you’re mate won’t pay; will you rob him and make then pay your rent or beat him up if he grasses?
You keep drugs in your Nan’s shed, sell a kilo of smack to her mates, who’re burnt out sixties hippies. You’re a real character, a fuckin’ cunt and a drug dealer who deals under your family’s eyes, corrupting old people who did drugs in their misspent Rolling Stone youth. You don’t tell them that your drug is cut with weed killer. Are you a cunt?
Imagine where we would be, if you smuggled guns over from the Irish Republic to kill innocent people, after you’d sold them to black gang members. Do you have no morals in this 21st Century world, where the white man is best in his selfishness and pride in his actions which he thinks is right? You’re wrong! Keep it as an idea.
Can’t we live in peace, not randomly shooting people for fun; have an end game so we don’t end up oppressed? Live and let live, being multi cultural in the UK. Tough white chav thugs acting like crocodiles, preying on whoever they want. Mugging illegal immigrants, wanton drug taking, ringing cars for bank raids and more. Are you a chav bastard criminal?
You live like a prince in paradise,                                                                                                                 
you live like a prince in paradise.                                                                                                                             You have it all,                                                                                                                                             
a house,                                                                                                                                                            
a car,                                                                                                                                                           a career in a trade,                                                                                                                                                
pet animals and your mates.                                                                                                                      But tell me, are you happy?                                                                                                                  
You still get riled by me falling out with you (and her)                                                                           
nine years ago.                                                                                                                                                              I know you resent me but I wish you well.

I put my right foot into the five litre bucket of acid fat                                                                                                
and feel it warm my foot. Feels nice!                                                                                                           
Warm and funny!                                                                                                                                       It will cure my in-growing toe nail.                                                                                                                              
Gets hotter! What’s happening?                                                                                                           Acid fat in a tub, eating into my flesh                                                                                                       till nowt’s left. As if my flesh is rice paper.                                                                               
Feels like maggots are eating my foot,                                                                                                          what’s going on? It’s not right!                                                                                                                                          
Acid fat from an animal, dead unwanted offal.                                                                                                     Add sulphuric acid, you get acid fat!                                                                                                                                        Put my foot in it for a laugh.                                                                                                                                                 
Now take it out, my toes are gone.                                                                                                                    No flesh, white bare bone bloody bubbling away!                                                                                                    
My acid eaten bloody foot.                                                                                                                                          No more in-growing toe nail.                                                                                                                          Acid fat! Acid fat! Acid fat!                                                                                      

I was on my way back from my mate’s when a lad walked behind me, at a fast pace.                                       
I was ready for whatever. I walked behind him after he cut down murder road.                                
A few yards behind, I trailed him. I saw four paki’s leave a dark alley; I dodged them and kept going, crossing the road. I heard a chav lad shout for his bitch and saw him on the corner of the road, standing there defiantly.
I cut down into another alleyway and kept a low profile, emerging straight behind speedy posh white lad. He got ready to go home. I saw a Christian lad in the church garden with his dog, it went woof. I said be nice to the dog and feed it the shouting chav. Walking on, I started doing a text to my mate – to tell him “Guess what I saw?”
Then I heard them fifty yards away through the light fog, some chavs! Three of them ran and joked, asked me did I see it, where did it go? Yes I saw their black rabbit run into a garden past a car! Through the fence I said, no doubt they’d just stolen it, the thieving cunts. A walk home seeing bizarre sights!

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