Friday 7 February 2014

random old poems



Gothic storm across the heavens, splitting

the sky in two creating a rip in the fabric

of the sky into which the earth will fall,

doomed and dead into the abyss of time

forever more. We are the generation of the damned,

condemned to be this for the rest of our lives

until we die, by our own hand

or that of Old Father Time or of our enemies,

stalking us across the chapters of the universe,

never ending. The seas of time used to be on our side

but now the hour glass has tilted and we slide

effortlessly downwards, to our end

and that of all that meant something to us,

now nothing but ashes and dust,

not even a folk memory remains as we cease

to exist, become nothing but a storm in the rift

of time that is the world, an idea of what might have been,

ending now…


Oh my sister I miss you very much,
now that you’re gone, what am I to do?
My family is scattered, forsaken, dead.
Must continue onwards to find my way
yet I have my country’s tears in my heart,
my family’s blood in my veins.
My soul is rock, no more pain
but my last final breath to free me
from my mortal body – release, to be?
See miles of road pass on by, wheels
turning to a new life. Temporary.
Lorry never saved me, brought me a respite.
Got a flat and some money, that will stop,
you see they will deport me.
What next, a train ride and a shower?
Can I stay at the hospital where I work?
My English is coming on well,
your country needs me, a doctor.
Not to be. Told to go underground,
fade away, become nothing, a ghost.
Nearly time now. I think I will be home
soon, my enemy doing Darfur’s destruction
will have me killed, their beating wasn’t enough.
One last option – other side of the coin.
I will get a gun, Kalashnikov assault rifle,
defend my homeland, lay down my life
for an end to my pain, make a statement,
doctor becomes soldier. Blood on the sand,
join my family, my kin. Let the world remember
me, my story, the story of my people.
Wendy tried to help so much but all in vain.
Fuhrer Blair is top bastard – a Nazi?

Have you ever noticed how loud silence is?
Of the world of men, all types. Quiet, loud,
Thieves, murderers. All the same under
Nazi gunfire on an unknown battlefield.
Their lives ended short, no memory of them.
No children by them, now grandparents are dead
In a foreign land. What did they fight for?
Die for? Rusting shrapnel in the sand,
Misshapen bullets on ice, decaying explosive
In greenery. History books don’t record the
Personal story. Only lost young ghosts remember,
Lost in time.

Silver-plated motherfuckers! Yey. The Russians have bombed Georgia targets inc a Black Sea port, oil pipeline, military targets, civilians, etc. 2 jets have been shot down, 1 pilot/aircrew killed I no of. I’m not sure of Georgian air force strength. They got 29 Su-27 flankers back in 92 when they left the Soviet block. Any jets since? All will be Russian kit. Russian troops been in involved to. Imagine NATO jets/forces get into it? Part-time. What bout NATO jets in the Baltic’s on QRA? (Quick Reaction Alert). Worldwar3 babe. Back to the 80s...
The bastards came and hit Darwin. Our radar warned us in time, we got three squadrons of Spitfires scrambled and had height on our side. Now we’ll show the Nips! Diving down we got two of the deadly Zero-sen fighters, their best naval fighter ever built. Counter attack! Quickly a Spit is hit and the pilot is in the water. We try to out turn them as we did with the 109 and 190s in Europe. But these Zekes turn like the Devil possesses them. Our tactics are wrong! Soon Spitfires join Zeros falling down on fire. If our Intel boys had learnt from the Flying Tigers and their crap P-40s we’d have nailed the rising sun boys, dive and zoom all the way. Never turn with a Zero! They’re like sports planes with 20mm cannons. We did win this fight though coz we ripped their bombers a new arse hole, Battle of Britain style. Our trials weren’t over yet; we used all of our fuel up. Many of us had to force land killing one pilot. Next time we’ll nail the bastards, dive ad zoom all the way. How will history judge this epic encounter of Spit versus Zero?



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