Monday 23 September 2013

The Flying Devil Snail moved forward and flew a wide circle. Rapidly changing direction, it climbed to fifty feet altitude, its maximum and pulled its nose up. Aiming at the disc with the single laser, it fired a continuous beam of blue laser light, hitting the silver craft. Laser light sparkled and refracted on the invisible force field surrounding the craft, protecting it and stopping any damage. Onboard, the witch and the monster watched this light display with interest; she fiddled with the silver control tickling the platinum testicles of her penis shaped control stick. This analysed the laser beam power, strength, frequency, lethality and a dozen other parameters. Suddenly an alarm sounded and a small display opened up on the main vision window. Two nuclear bullet armed air defence English army transports were inbound and almost in range. Juniper’s Daughter acted quickly turning her flying saucer’s beam weapon to full power. She fired down onto the FDS and killed it with a single long burst of red energy, enveloping the FDS, turning it into a blazing fireball that fell to earth. It exploded just before it hit the ground in a vicious superheated blast of energy and violence.
Now both nuclear bullet armed transport craft opened fire from three-mile range on the witch and her disc with airburst nuclear bullets, firing two each. These would be on the witch and her monster friend in three seconds, so she acted immediately, grabbing the penis shaft with both hands and pulling it towards her. The flying disc shot up vertically in a wickedly violent maximum speed climb, rising to a height of ten miles in less than one second. The vision window was still open and monster was watching the burning flying laser poodle, he fell over when the ground left them and receded at dizzying speed, making monster dizzy and nauseous. Closing his eyes, he lied on the floor of the craft, not feeling any sensation at all due to the gravity dampeners built into the disc. If these weren’t used, both the witch and the monster would be piles of red stuff on the floor.
From a height of ten miles, Juniper’s Daughter watched with interest when four nuclear bullets meant for her exploded where they had been in the sky. Vivid bright flashes ticked her eyes, replaced by expanding fireballs slowly mushrooming into one large one and rising above the target range. Zooming in the view the witch saw the two English army transports avoid the explosions of their own ordnance and pull up vertically in steep arcs to climb under full power in a vain attempt to get the saucer. Would they be able to pick it up on their tracking gear? Juniper’s Daughter doubted this but she increased her altitude by another ten miles so she was now fifteen miles above the ground, nothing could catch them now. Watching the transports feebly climb up, she guessed they could reach no more than thirty five thousand feet – almost seven miles straight up. In theory enough for them to shoot down the disc if it remained stationary at a height of ten miles due to the three mile range of the nuclear bullet gun. Gravity would hinder this, reducing the vertical straight up range to a little over two miles so they would have been safe and that was not including the force field that stopped all weapons. That would have its limits but it had never been tested to destruction.
As a parting gift to the English army the witch fired two single high-energy laser shots down onto the two circling English army craft that circled vainly at thirty four thousand feet, their maximum height. Both disappeared in huge flaming explosions huge bubbles of flame silently expanding and dying, so outdated was their technology when compared to the flying disc. She had proved her point and now she was untouchable, not even the English army with its potent state of the art weapons could touch her. Turning to her friend, the monster that remained on the floor with his eyes closed, she calmly asked, “Hey monster it’s okay now, I closed the vision window you can’t see out now. Are you okay? You want a beer?”
“Yes monster want a beer, then more beer!” grinned monster.
“Okay my friend, witch wants more than one beer too after that episode. Let’s party!” replied the witch handing out some stolen army beer. With the disc many miles above the ground, a drunken party began using stolen army beer. Both had a taste for this strong brew.

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