Saturday, 3 May 2014

Europa – in the dark valley between the world wars Out of the total darkness came a light brighter than infinite suns... Poetry on women (and men) in conflict Nick Armbrister And Andy N poem and link

Europa – in the dark valley

between the world wars

Out of the total darkness came a light brighter than infinite suns...
Poetry on women (and men) in conflict

Nick Armbrister


Andy N 

She Defeated Death

She should have left the city when the chance was there.                                                                                         
Before the Nazis came, closing the noose.                                                                                                        
She has so many regrets, except on her actions.                                                                                                     
Now she's at the wall, the reasons crystal clear to her.                                                                                                            
Some things are priceless, unique.                                                                                     
Like you my dear, now against the wall.                                                                                            
Your dark brown locks hang by your shoulders,                                                                                       
your pretty eyes scan the heavens, still defiant.                                                                                                                        Your lovely beautiful face stern.                                                                                                     
With death bearing down upon you, victory is yours.                                                                           
Crack go the rifles.                                                                                                                   Your murder witnessed by the shot down RAF airman.                                                                                                                                                                                                           
You, the heroine, when the others were silent.                                                                            
Imagine your legacy and what you stand for fifty years from now.                                                                              
That matters.                                                                                                                        
Though I don't know your name, I remember you and what you died for.
(dedicated to an unnamed woman that a shot down RAF airman saw executed by the Nazis)

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