Thief - One
A girl like any other.
There are millions like her.
In looks.
In intelligence.
In her lifestyle.
In her dreams.
In her love of life.
Studying at college.
Almost 18 and ready to party.
With friends and family.
Enjoying her young life.
Almost an adult.
With big dreams and plans.
A call centre career after graduation.
A future with her boyfriend.
Other plans to be planned.
A life to be lived.
But there will only ever be one of YOU.
We all know what happened.
And will never ever forget.
This is a fact.
RIP dear lady.
Thief - Two
Oh how your death upsets me.
You who had yet to live.
Those clichéd words meaningless now.
But sadly true.
You were murdered on April 7 2016.
You will be buried on April 16 2016.
On that day you should have been eighteen.
You were stolen by a thief.
He tried stealing your bag and failed.
He didn't fail when he stole your life.
Thief - Three
There are 2 victims here.
Both not yet adults.
One is dead.
The other in youth detention, alive.
(For now)
What happens now?
The reason why must be found.
Not lies or half truths but the real TRUTH.
Will the alleged mugger/killer talk?
It was good that he got caught.
Or revenge could take place.
Still can.
Reasons why aren't enough.
If he tried to steal your bag, why?
Does his family starve?
That is cause and effect.
And needs addressing.
This has happened now and will again.
Has before.
So what will be done?
Lives need lifting out of poverty.
Teens need educating.
And much much more needs doing.
So this doesn't happen again.
So no more young women die.
So nobody else dies.
By being robbed or mugged or for the pure fucking hell of it.
But what is done is done.
This fact we know.