Friday, 22 April 2016




Alternative worldview as I sit on my throne,
trolleys in the car park only purpose to exist.
Tell me what is it like to be a pond?
See a mirror in your smooth serene exterior,
are you reeling inside under the surface like me?
Danger of drying up in summer stagnant stinking water.
Frozen solid two seasons later hard as stone.
Are you me or am I you?
Fake personality, make believe, make up to hide
what it’s all about. Smoke and mirrors conquer naked truth, any day.

Pound Cocktail By Nick Armbrister

Jan sailed his small boat to the shore and dropped anchor. He swam to the beach and took in the small island. It was ideal for his short break here and gathering provisions. He needed more fresh water and fruit, the ample trees would provide bananas and coconuts in abundance. His little journey around the island chain was a two month break for him from his busy office job in the States; borrowing his friend’s boat was an added bonus. Walking into the trees he gazed into the jungle enjoying the sun sparkle through the tree tops, a chilled out place. Stopping, he knelt down and picked up a ripe coconut; with skill he broke it open against a sharp rock and drank the milk inside. Finished, he tapped the side to get at the fresh coconut meat and ate some of it as he walked inland. Not bad and just ripe, he thought.
Carefully following the naked stranger Lina silently walked into the trees trying to remain quiet. Where had he gone? she wondered. There he was! A dozen yards in front of her, quickly she ducked behind a small tree and felt her heart thudding in her chest. Had he seen her? She didn’t think so. Peeping round the leaves Lina struggled to see the man, yes there he was by a tree picking some bananas. It looked like he was hungry and needed food. Look at the size of his cock, it must be six inches long and it’s not even hard! she gasped.

Hearing a twig snap and leaves rustle Jan knew something or someone was nearby, he played dumb and kept peeling a banana. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a tree move a few feet away. Suddenly dropping his fruit he sprang and ran to the bush, he was ready for anything but not expecting to see a naked woman cower in fright. For seconds the two stared at one another and then she bolted and ran. He was ready and caught hold of her hand yanking her to a stop. She swore and fell to the floor. He stood over her.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Two by Jimmy Boom Semtex

Fire Extinguisher Man Erotic Stories Series Two by Jimmy Boom Semtex

"Well, Mr Ad Man, I think either name is fine. But Fire Extinguisher Man is sexier and had hidden potential. Lots of it," Jane flirted. "Hidden till I rip your lumberjack shirt off. We'll make a woodcutter out of you yet."
"Try me out for size," the meaning of life/ad man/would be woodcutter laughed. It was his opening, his opportunity to shine. He effortlessly undid his belt and jeans allowing his jeans to go south. Then his boxers. The advantage stood tall and proud like an Giant Redwood. There would be no felling this tree.
"By all that is holy, look at the size of your fucking dick!" Jane was in awe. She bent down and looked closely at the surreal love muscle.
"That's my advantage baby. Do you want to test it out?" Fire Extinguisher Man replied. He twitched it up and down.
"Well, seeing as you're here and have your big dick out, yes. Yes, why not? We can go into the woods over there," the woodcutter pointed to the trees. The cover was excellent. No one would see them.
"Come on then," the gigolo nodded. He led the way, walking oddly. His trousers and underwear were round his ankles! Jane burst out laughing. Fire Extinguisher Man's dick bounced up and down. It was too much for Jane. She laughed till she cried, following Fire Extinguisher Man off the bridge to the trees. It was a crazy sight.
"Consider the ice well and truly broken," Jane said, wiping tears from her cheeks. She giggled again and looked down at the half naked man next to her. Shaking her head, she added, "And it's black. God damn!"
"Glad it is. It's good to get introductions over. Yes, my cock is black, well spotted." The last sentence brought more school girl giggles from the middle age woman. Fire Extinguisher Man wanked his knob a few times.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Being Normal Is Boring - Broken Aeroplanes, Screwed People, Alternative Writing, :) Jimmy Boom Semtex

Eat Me
Big wolf ate the large monster.
Now the big wolf is shaped like a whale.
He took on a different form.
All because of his unique diet.
Each time he eats, he looks different.
On his last occasion he ate a cat.
And looked like a dog.
A unique genetic event.
If he ate me, what would he look like?
A battleship or nuclear missile?
Shall we find out?
Eat me eat me eat me.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

thief poems

Thief - One
A girl like any other.
There are millions like her.
In looks.
In intelligence.
In her lifestyle.
In her dreams.
In her love of life.
Studying at college.
Almost 18 and ready to party.
With friends and family.
Enjoying her young life.
Almost an adult.
With big dreams and plans.
A call centre career after graduation.
A future with her boyfriend.
Other plans to be planned.
A life to be lived.
But there will only ever be one of YOU.
We all know what happened.
And will never ever forget.
This is a fact.
RIP dear lady.

Thief - Two
Oh how your death upsets me.
You who had yet to live.
Those clichéd words meaningless now.
But sadly true.
You were murdered on April 7 2016.
You will be buried on April 16 2016.
On that day you should have been eighteen.
You were stolen by a thief.
He tried stealing your bag and failed.
He didn't fail when he stole your life.

Thief - Three
There are 2 victims here.
Both not yet adults.
One is dead.
The other in youth detention, alive.
(For now)
What happens now?
The reason why must be found.
Not lies or half truths but the real TRUTH.
Will the alleged mugger/killer talk?
It was good that he got caught.
Or revenge could take place.
Still can.
Reasons why aren't enough.
If he tried to steal your bag, why?
Does his family starve?
That is cause and effect.
And needs addressing.
This has happened now and will again.
Has before.
So what will be done?
Lives need lifting out of poverty.
Teens need educating.
And much much more needs doing.
So this doesn't happen again.
So no more young women die.
So nobody else dies.
By being robbed or mugged or for the pure fucking hell of it.
But what is done is done.
This fact we know.

Friday, 8 April 2016

FADE INTO FOCUS, FOCUS INTO FADE nick armbrister poem

FADE INTO FOCUS, FOCUS INTO FADE nick armbrister poem


The raging river runs all year round through the varied landscape,
hundreds of yards wide and a dozen deep, a lifeline of the planet.
Full of life, a river of life for the people who live by it and for nature herself.
Mankind uses this river as a source of food and power with his river boats.
He is often blind to the harm he can do, taking too much fish and polluting
the clear water with chemicals; he must be careful or nature could be harmed.
This river has a life energy and balance that can be so delicate with a small
eco-system right here in co-existence with man, his lifeline so full of  necessity.
We should be grateful for this beauty and river, it can be a huge flood and massive
torrent raging so fast and doing much damage to mans’ fragile buildings.
In a quieter mood the river slows and meanders, a sleepy giant of power and nature.

places to submit writing...

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

last years bio...

Nick Armbrister is into many things. Writing is one, his varied work includes poetry, prose and stories on a variety of topics. From erotica like Ian and Abby stories to poetry on current world events to horror stories and more besides. He loves to get tattooed, listen to alternative music, drink beer and live a simple but fulfilling life. Check his Facebook group out. He's working on new erotic stories and a poetry collection too. His writing career is 19 years short. Nick also writes as Jimmy Boom Semtex, a re-birth of his creative madness.

Potato Death

Potato Death
"I'm the potato gangster! Die you human underlings! Death by potato," he screamed, red in the face and chucked three dozen spuds. Six remaining people on the top deck died, with fatal injuries.
"Who's the man? I'm the man, the man of spuds!" shouted Cecil, running to the stairs and jumping down. A man was on his way up to see what the commotion was. Cecil's size 6 gardening boot sent him flying and a small potato entered the top of the man's skull. Such was the speed of Cecil's superhuman strength and aim.
"Oh God, save us!" whimpered a body builder, his beef cake muscles trembling.
Cecil heard him and grinned. Holding up a potato, Cecil nodded, "Do you know what this is? Do you young man?"
"A potato," answered the alpha male.
"Yes, a humble potato."
"Are you ill in the fucking head, you spud brain? You waffle on about bullshit."
"No, I'm the spud chucker!" laughed Cecil. In an under arm move, he launched the spud. It hit the fifteen stone muscle man, breaking three ribs. One popped through his spam vest.