Friday 23 August 2013

Shoki: The Story of Sensei Pete Ratcliff by nick armbrister

Shoki: The Story of Sensei Pete Ratcliff by nick armbrister
Interview 21/02/2013. Sensei Derek also contributed.

Nick: How can you use karate against someone with a gun? What would you do?

Sensei Pete: It depends on the situation. If you’re inexperienced…

Nick: If you were trained…

Sensei Pete: It’s a very very difficult one. Even if you’re trained.

Sensei Derek: That’s not a straight forward question.

Sensei Pete: It would be very very difficult. In training I can train someone to disarm a gun but in reality you’re nerves could go.

Nick: That’s like fear.

Sensei Pete: The best way really is try to talk the gunman out of it. Like you talk your way out of a fight. That’s the best way. There is a good way of disarming a revolver, handgun.

Nick: Can you please talk through that technique?

Sensei Pete: You can talk through the technique on the thing it would have to be shown on video.

Nick: Right yeah.

Sensei Derek: It’s kind of a relaxed, you’ve got to be more relaxed. If someone had a gun on me I’d be like, ‘Whoa whoa yes okay okay okay okay,’ Boomph! Distract them. ‘I’ll do anything…’ Boomph! And break his f***ing neck. Very nastily but as Sensei Pete was saying the gun has to be pointing away from you before you take that and then I wouldn’t be striking to give you a little slap.

Nick: Of course yes.

Sensei Derek: You’re going to destroy him.

Nick: No coz he could have killed you.

Sensei Derek: You’re going to destroy him.

Nick: Definitely.

Sensei Derek: That’s the only answer to that.

Sensei Pete: It’s an awkward question.

Nick: It is yes. So do you teach self defence skills against revolvers? You said yes.

Sensei Pete: Yes, teach knife and weapons defence.

Nick: I’d be interested to see that and learn and see that because I can put that in the book.

Sensei Pete: I’ll bring my revolver in.

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